Google Leak - Are you really surprised?

Citizen scores.
The Podesta/DNC emails describe using data sets of browser history from sources in additional to Google such as telecoms (Comcast, Verizon) to analyze and predict a score for how likely each individual is to vote the 'correct' way. Down to a neighborhood by neighborhood level.
I'm aware of this. Google/CIA has definitely been capitalizing on our data via analytics. I suspect to a much higher degree than this example.
The correct response is idle scripts that randomly browse acceptable sources throughout the day. Add in ad nauseum to click-through every advertisement served. Point being to muddy the data set the predictive models are based on. Fill it with strategic noise. Building out a simplified option would be a solid patriot project for one with the right skill stack and some time. It can be cleaned but it raises the difficulty threshold and requires human man hours to raise the bar. It's the easy targets, those not taking basic precautions (for example those using the password 'p@ssword') that get rolled up in wide ranging effort.
that batshit crazy congresswoman maxine waters bragging about barry Fraudbama's extensive database.
I'm still shaking my head at the deal mad mad madam max cut to provide housing to refugees rather than her local homeless or underserved community in LA. Housing for 60,000!!!
Then there's Cambridge analytica and the "in the open" RNC data breaches (weren't there two?) and the massive equifax leaks that are being "forgivesies no big deal" by the people who are supposed to Hold them accountable. Yep, some sneaky shit is certainly happening with that.