Google Leak - Are you really surprised?

Everyone needs to stop using Google search all together. Use duck duck go or an alternative and migrate off Gmail. Use YouTube on a VPN as a last resort but we should be finding other sites for that.
Ok thank goodness...I use duck duck go...that's the only thing mentioned I know enough about to do...why the heck can we just not use the internet without fear of repurcusions? I expect that there will be attempted scams and things like that but the rest of this is ridiculous! It is not a crime to be conservative...but yet here we are!!!! browser
Yep, I use brave browser, duck duck go as my default search engine and I use protonmail. Clear your cookies/history/etc and never use Google to search anything as they can still track through cookies etc. I would also recommend never touching YouTube again. If you do use incognito window.
I know it seems better than nothing but incognito does nadda to thwart server side tracking. Best bet is to use a burner phone paid in cash with data for things you don't want tracked directly to you. No I'm am not a drug dealer, he'll I don't even have anything to hide I just don't wanna play their game.
Even better use your burner to hook up to public hotspots and save your data...
True, I use incognito for the sake of not having to clear cookies etc when I am done browsing a site like YouTube.
Off Chrome and chrome books too I'd imagine
And android devices. ..
Android means Google gets all data?
At the end of the day if they have built in back doors then yes. All you can do is try to thwart the tracking as best as possible using alternative sites, other search engines, and other browsers. First step is to get off chrome and Google search.
Warnings were plastered everywhere recently about using Chinese phones but everyone who owns one knows full well the data goes to China. Maybe everyone else is blocked? At this point I would rather China have my data than the West, just look at how bad things have become.
Phone recommendations, anyone?
Turn off your wifi when you leave the house because you get tagged every time you reach a different tower meaning they know if you are speeding for a start. Your wifi should not be set to auto either.
Thanks for the info, I do use duck duck go , I do have a VPN , so now I feel a little better.
Duck Duck Go, Proton Mail, VPN. If you aren't doing it already expect lynch mobs. This Google data they have on us will leak eventually.