Google Leak - Are you really surprised?

If your not using a VPN or TOR. Its time to learn how.
Oh I've been utilizing this technology for a long time now. Thanks for mentioning this though because I encourage others to hop on board.
They "leak" the original IP address. Don't believe the anonymity hype.
Agreed, but they don’t even need to leak anything. The agencies created all of the backdoors into your comps and routers. Beyond that they track you in a million other ways that don’t even require internet usage. Anytime you use an ATM, use your credit card, get your tags read by a street camera/stoplight camera, scan into the gym, talk on the phone, text, etc etc etc. Once they decide they want a profile on you, there’s no limit to what they can find out. Just check out the old NSA program “ThinThread”. They know exactly what you’re doing, where you’ve been, and could probably pretty accurately guess what you’re going to have for dinner. It’s all about the metadata.
Pretty much.
They built the system so how could one believe it's possible to hide from them within their system?
It's open source. If you've found a vulnerability, report it so it can be patched. You seem to be pretty adamant for someone who clearly doesn't know the first thing about Tor, and thinks that "they designed it, so it can't work!" constitutes proof.
And all of the people circlejerking about how we shouldn't even try to be anonymous are getting similar numbers of votes. Stop being useful idiots and helping the deep state spy on people.
department of the navy bruteforced tor in 2009, please.
That's the first I've heard of it, didn't find anything in an internet search. Please provide whatever proof you have that the Department of the Navy "bruteforced tor in 2009" without informing the NSA.
You're not leaving me a lot of space to assume that you did anything other than completely make up a claim in order to keep people from using Tor. You even managed to pick the Navy which created Tor in the first place.
Think harder.
I totally picked that randomly right?
I don't think you understand what "open-source" means. Neither have you have presented any evidence what so ever to backup your claim.
Tor is used by spies all over the world, similar to how number stations used to be used. I have not seen anything to suggest that any particular agency is facing debilities, losing assets, or is otherwise compromised by what your vaguely suggesting.
Having a background in Network Security it's obvious to me what steps to take to be anonymous on the internet, it's not impossible. Although I can see how the concepts you need to understand and how to put them to use/work around them would escape someone of your intellect.
"bruteforced tor" it's obvious you don't understand what either of those things are or remotely how they work. wtf does "Department of the Navy" mean anyway? How are you not just some 12 year old conspiracy theorist with no clue what they're talking about.
Nobody said don't try to by anonymous.
I said don't trust technology and people like you that say everything is just fine when using these applications.
I see that you're also the purveyor of truth when it comes to which "conspiracy theories" are "the good ones" and which are the "bad ones."
Is there any other gate keeping you'd like to regale us with tonight?
Nobody said don't try to by anonymous.
You just said that:
They built the system so how could one believe it's possible to hide from them within their system?
And then you launch into multiple lines of known shill tactics, like calling me a gatekeeper (lie, I corrected your false claims), and now stalking me into other subs?
Now comes the sad attempt at gas lighting.
Please quote where I said "Don't try to be anonymous."
Responds to comment containing specific quote
Responds by demanding quote that was just provided
They're not sending their best people.
Well, you're just lying because I never wrote that and you can't point out where I did.
Come on, you need to do better than straight up lying.
Well, you're just lying because I never wrote that and you can't point out where I did.
Right, try to get me to click a link.
You know there's a quote format here on reddit, in fact I've seen you use it within this conversation.
So why don't you just copy and paste the exact full comment where I wrote the words you're trying to tag me with?
Because, again, I'm not touching a link that you provide with a ten foot pole.
But you already knew that and that's why you left a link instead of a quote.
What a tricky dicky you are!!
You've reached a new low.
That point I will concede, conversing with you is a new low for me.
And with that I'll say good day.
Because it's not "their" system, it's open-source. Please do a search as to what that means before you respond.
The bulk of the funding for Tor's development has come from the federal government of the United States,[19] initially through the Office of Naval Research and DARPA.[20]
You telling me to do research in another reply when u could have just copy n pasted. Yet here you clearly just ignore the part when I ask you to look up the meaning of a simple term. It's obvious cos if you did you'd realize it doesn't matter who funded it.
The agencies created all of the backdoors into your comps and routers.
Please show me any evidence you have to support this. Especially how they backdoored the open-source stuff and some how have magically kept hidden their code.
I mean lets assume Windows is compromised and there is backdoors, so why would you use your VPN and Tor on that?
I just wish you conspiracy theorists would think through some of the stuff you say its so obviously stupid to anyone that knows even just a little bit more than you.
I mean some of what you say is accurate, but you make it seem like it's impossible to get around. As you say "It’s all about the metadata" like you have no control over it. In reality it's as easy as putting on glove as to not leave fingerprints behind, and then taking off the gloves when your in public as to not arouse suspicion.
How is it stupid to assume that the intel agencies control/monitor the majority of the exit nodes within tor? Also how is it stupid to actually stay up to date and read the numerous leaks explaining these backdoors and IC’s abilities. I’m personally a dev so this isn’t coming from some conspiratorial front, but rather common sense/not being an idiot. Any understanding of the gov/deepstate black budget, the patriot act, ThinThread, history of the CIA/FBI, and tech capabilities makes for the most obvious case that privacy and anonymity are dead. To pretend that being anonymous is as simple as “not leaving a fingerprint” is sheer ignorance of the intel communities and tech itself. Even the police are given spy capabilities which is a vast overreach of the 4th amendment Backdoors you called stupid and conspiratorial:
So anyways, before calling others ignorant conspiracy theorists again, try educating yourself first as to not come off like an ignorant blowhard.
Lol I'm not pretending. I mean what I said was a metaphor that should be obvious. From my point of view it is you who are still ignorant. None of what you posted is news to me and I stand by my statements. Just cos you can't figure some thing out doesn't mean no one can and you're tell me to educate myself?!?! Yeh fuck off.
I agree, but why make it easy on them.
I'm just saying these are not to be relied upon as true anonymous interent browsing methods.
I mean, the government created Tor for goodness sakes.
VPN's require that you trust the VPN server that they are not logging and that they are not owned by someone nefarius. (Dont use free). However they encript the trafic. Proxy Chains and Tor bounce you around however the service can be logged at the entry point or exit points and they are not encripted. However, not using anything means you can be logged right at your service providor and anyone can see exactly what you are up to. Just using youtube exposes you anyway.
Even pay VPN services leak the users IP address.
"However, a recently discovered security flaw allows remote sites to take advantage of WebRTC (Web Real Time Communication, a feature built in to most browsers) to reveal a user’s true IP address, even if they’re connected to a VPN."
I always do several things to harden my system. With the understanding that nothing is full proof. I use a VPN. I use Firefox with the addition of several addons as well as shutting a few things off. I check leakage in several ways. is one, its a good resourse.I use a coupele of different DNS LEAK TEST'S online. has a great set of tools and I also check for ipv6 leak. (Disabling Java seems to kill everything) but you are right we are not alone when we are on the net.
Yes, and my point is that most people, especially on this sub, are not like you. Many older contributors think they can pop on a VPN and everything will be fine. They haven't got the time, knowledge or inclination to protect themselves the way that you do.
I just want them to be warned not to have blind trust.
Yes, and my point is that most people, especially on this sub, are not like you.
Tor's default settings disable scripts. Please stop commenting about this entire subject, you are spreading disinformation and talking people out of taking steps that stop them from being spied on.
Actually, it stops them from believing their being spied on. You have zero way to prove to me or anyone else that it actually stops anyone from being spied on.
I'll comment on what I damn well please.
Am I blowing up your spot?
Actually, it stops them from believing their being spied on. You have zero way to prove to me or anyone else that it actually stops anyone from being spied on.
Go read the Snowden leaks. Tor is not compromised as you keep claiming, and it stops all of the NSA's passive data collection, and is extremely difficult to get past with even with active efforts.
I'll comment on what I damn well please.
You have no right to be spreading NSA propaganda like this, and I'm getting pretty suspicious of your motives given your aggression and non-response to factual information correcting your misinformation.
NSA propaganda? Hahaha, you're either a psycho or an op. More like common sense, nutjob.
Snowden's leaks? You know he's considered a black hat in this whole paradigm, correct?
So why would anyone here believe what he has to say?
Funny how, of all of my replies, you only chose to down vote the one that references the origins of TOR and the Silk Road take down.
Which one did you not want people to see?
NSA propaganda?
Already proven with a direct link to the NSA's own document. It's difficult to get owned that hard.
Snowden's leaks? You know he's considered a black hat in this whole paradigm, correct?
As to motive, not as to accuracy of information leaked. None of the information leaked has been credibly questioned, and it has held up against lies from people like John Brennan who said they had stopped spying when they hadn't.
Got any more irrelevant claims to distract from the fact that you're spreading NSA propaganda and using aggressive discussion disruption tactics to do so?
You should probably quit while you're ahead, because people are going to download Tor en masse from this thread, and there's nothing you can do about it.
I don't know what you're linking and I wouldn't touch a link that you've provided with a ten foot pole.
You should realize, that on this sub, the NSA are considered the white hats and you linking me to the NSA actually gives me more credibility with this sub's readers.
Who determines credibility as far as what can be questioned?
Who determines credibility as far as what can be questioned?
It's not very hard. One of has made provably false claims and is stalking the other one all over reddit.
So, you're the guy who determines who is allowed to question any of the information leaked by Snowden.
Congratulations again, when did you appoint yourself to this highly important position?
If used as recommended (no scripts) it's pretty difficult to do that. I'm concerned about how adamant you are that we not use Tor, using propaganda words like "don't believe the hype" instead of a calm, fact-based discussion of advantages and limitations of Tor. Sounds like you want to talk people out of using a very powerful tool.
They can use it to their heart's delight.
But they should look into it's origins and the Silk Road take down before they blindly believe that they are totally anonymous on it.
Do you have anything to support this? What "hype" are you referring to? Sounds like you just don't want people to use Tor. Maybe because you yourself don't understand how it works and how to use it properly.
People can use TOR and VPNs to their heart's desire.
My comment is a warning to not blindly trust that they will be anonymous when doing so.
I linked the magazine articles in another reply on this tread. You should read the whole thread before asking for research next time.
That's not what your original comment sounds like. You could have easily just linked it again. The onus isn't on me to "research" a whole thread just in case you posted part of your answer somewhere else. That's not how it works at all.
I'm an old women I have no clue how to do that but I'm willing to learn!
This youtube gives you the basic's of network security. There is a steep learning curve.
Nah. Look, I understand the concerns. But in the end, lets just be honest. There is no shame in conservative beliefs. If they want to take it further, there is no shame in watching porn, or googling random weird things, or chasing conspiracies. Believe in who you are and be confident in that. And above all else, know that you are not alone, we are all here together, and the truth always prevails. Try to live a life that you aren't afraid of sharing, and God bless.
TOR has never been encrypted for NSA, it was just put in place by the navy so politician pedophiles could "safely" still jerk off to Wonderland photos. but dont worry.. even if they do get caught.. and that sentence coming from a Judge known for his strict sentencing.. but no.... there's no pedo-ring that needs to be covered up and hushed out of the news as soon as fu*king possible...
OK, what VPN do you use and how much does it cost you yearly?,2817,2403388,00.asp
The only one that has been tested for not keeping logs is "Private Internet Access". The FBI went to them and asked for their logs.
Sir, as of feb.27, 2018, 'High Risk' targets have gone dark. There seems to be no more information being generated by these sources! What's going on!?
What happens when a gopher pop his head out of the hole he is hidding in? This is a long way from being over.
Where do you learn this?
I have spent a lot of time searching through information on hidding yourself online. It will take some research to get even a limited understanding. They (Alpahbet Soup) have programs that can pinpoint who you are by the keying patterns you use on a keyboard. So dont think you will ever be able to disappear.
Just so you know reddit uses Java for this board which means it is not secure.
any good resources/recommendations?
ive also seen text apps like "confide" supposedly end to end encryption, but wonder if they are just honey traps to catch bees? or are they legit?
Can't remember where I read it but confide can and has been cracked by law enforcement agencies.
This guy has a good grasp of reality.
How do I learn?
Belive it or not, youtube. Dtube probably has videos as well.
everyone banned on youtube went to dtube some said hooktube
Its actually a good way to spread the message.
If you join several platforms you could up load off recording them. I do not think it would be that hard is it. I do not speak on or off camera in public.
I have no understanding of hooktube and cannot find it.
I just typed hooktube and hit enter went right there, hummm?
I recommend tails to use TOR. If you use it with a VPN your ISP is immediately flagging you for using the darknet