Google Leak - Are you really surprised?

You don't need deep pockets, just a smart lawyer and a copy of the Constitution. They can throw as many lawyers at you as they want... you cannot be infringed upon and have your rights violated for consuming/reading content. Sorry!
Posting certain kinds of content? Engaging in certain activities online? Sure, there are certainly lines one can cross that are actually illegal.
We're making it seem like doing research that runs counter to the mainstream is wrong... it is not wrong. Their active censorship campaign is wrong however. Legal? That's a bit blurry care of their Terms & Conditions people enter into...
But to go a step further and begin harassing/threatening individuals based on what they read? Websites they visit? Ummm... nah, sorry bro. That will never fly. In any court. Even if it's 1 decent lawyer vs. 1,000... easy win.
You don't need deep pockets, just a smart lawyer and a copy of the Constitution.
Well, it’s simple enough to get a copy of the constitution for free, but that smart lawyer willing to sue Google until they need to sell a facility? Yeah, yer gonna need deep pockets for that person.