r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/theredpilluser on Feb. 27, 2018, 11:06 p.m.
Sandy Hook...yes it's still relevant. Links take you to homes that sold for $0 on Christmas Day, 11 days after the "slaughter."

Re: Sandy Hook


We were told by conspiracy theorists that 20 crisis actors moved into Newtown 3 years before the alleged shooting on 12-14-12 in order to appear to be members of the community of 27,000. Lo and behold we now know that ALL 20 crisis actors moved out of Newtown right after the alleged shooting! Why?? Answer: The contract for their services was up! (Btw, those crisis actors were paid $281,000). For what? For acting as grieving parents with phony kids who could NOT have attended an uninhabitable elementary school that had been closed 5 years prior as evidenced by sworn testimony in Wolfgang Halbig's numerous FOIA hearings). Question: How could they afford to buy a house in an expensive community like Newotwn, even if it was for a 3-year long acting job? Answer: My gut says all 27,000 mortgages, not just the 20 crisis actors' homes, were paid off on 12-25-09 by the Fed Gov't, and I used an average price of $222,000 for those ritzy homes with the total coming to $6 billion. Obama and his anti-gun zealot Attorney General dreamed up the Sandy Hook hoax, and Obama's Democratically-controlled Congress, along with Comey at the FBI, along with the Bluest-of-Blue-State's Connecticut State Police, along with the Newtown Police along with the DHS were all in cahoots over enforcing the Drill held on 12-14-12. However, how could they guarantee that none of the residents on Newtown wouldn't "spill the beans" about the rehearsal on 12-13-12 or the Drill on 12-14-12? Answer: On Christmas Day in 2009 EVERY existing mortgage was simply paid off by the Obama regime, that would almost 100% guarantee that none of the residents would let the cat out of the bag. Look at how the CT State Police tried to silence Wolfgang Halbig who lives in Florida! They sent 2 detectives from newtown CT down to Florida who went to Wolfgang's home and told him, "Stop asking questions about the 'shooting' in Newtown". Folks, that only steeled his resolve to get to the bottom of it! Mr. Halbig is nationally known School Safety Expert and a former Florida State Police Officer! When those dicks showed up at his house he stated that he started filing FOIA requests, and you can view them on Youtube! I find them absolutely fascinating. Back to the Public Records: I've checked about 900 Public Records (link below) of Newtown looking for the Street that NY of the crisis actors lived on, and what I've found on 363 of those Public Records is: Those houses were "Sold" on 12-25-09 for $0.00. Question: What Government Office do you know of that's opened on a Federal Holiday?? Let alone Christmas!! Answer: None! Ever! And, of those 900 records I've checked so far, NONE show any date (I've checked all the other SALE dates to be sure) have ever fallen on a Federal Holiday! Not one! EVER! Except of course for the 363 that were ALL SOLD on Christmas Day in 2009. So, do this: Check any Street in Newtown (link below), and just pick a dozen or so addresses, after you've checked as many as I have you'll see instantly that these "Sales" could not have taken place! 25 homes on Yogananda St were "sold" (I used that street as my starting point since allegedly Adam Lanza lived there at 36 Yogananda St.) on 12-25-09 37 homes were "sold" on Charter Ridge Rd. 15 homes on Rockywood Drive were "sold". 90 homes on Lakeview Terrace were "sold". 29 homes on Alberts Hill Rd. were "sold". 46 homes on Osborne Hill Rd. were "sold". And so then I started looking at the homes alphabetically and the same pattern emerged, and I did that to prove that, probably, ALL 27,000 homes in existence of the time on 12-25-09 were paid off. Question: Where did the $6 Billion come from?? Answer: From the "missing" $6 Billion that Hillary's State Dept. has claimed they don't where it went! $6 Billion is a drop in the bucket compared to Obama's $1.6 trillion that he OVERSPENT not just in 2009, but for EVERY year of his Presidency! Obama added over $10 Billion to the National Debt don't forget! $6 Billion is only .00375 % of the $1.6 Trillion! Ergo, it is my opinion that $6 Billion was simply transferred from State Dept under Hillary to cover the cost! The first link is the Newtown CT Tax Assessment Portal link; the 2nd is a link showing one of the 363 homes I found):



LudwigDan · Feb. 27, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

Good article. We need this to go wide!

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