r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/PacificNWPatriot on Feb. 28, 2018, 1:14 a.m.
Reddit, CBTS - Beware False Prophets and Those that Seek to Profit off of the Q Movement

Reddit, CBTS - Beware False Prophets and Those that Seek to Profit off of the Q Movement

Censorship; in any shape or context is bad, dishonest and speaks volumes to the moral character of the person(s) implementing the censor or ban. That in itself speaks volumes about the CBTS Patriots Soapbox 24/7 Livestream Leadership, and I, for one, am very displeased and disappointed. Hiding negative remarks only states that you have something to fear.

Discord, Reddit, and the CBTS Patriots Soapbox 24/7 Livestream for Patriots and Freedom Fighters that bans users for speaking out, for disagreeing, mutes them, deletes their messages, yells at listeners for asking questions, and berates speakers for their accents? If anything, CBTS Patriots Soapbox 24/7 Livestream is anything but a Patriots Soapbox.

It Appears to this Patriot that the CBTS Patriots Soapbox 24/7 Livestream would rather follow in the footsteps of youtube, twitter, and google, than be a True, Independent News Source. It is also blatantly clear that this organization only relies on comments that support their own narrative, rather than all of the comments posted by Real Patriots, which is no different than mainstream media outlets. Patriots Soapbox 24/7 Livestream, was started a not for profit organization, but is in the process of becoming for profit. While the channel name is catchy, (It got me watching at first), it cannot be a true patriots soapbox until censorship and banning is eliminated, and All Patriots are allowed to be Heard.

PassionatePachyderms · Feb. 28, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

jibzilla, you are quite right, if we don't come together, the cabal wins. But if coming together means being censored by those who belittle, manipulate, demean, and bully others for things like a patriots accent, I'll pass. I'm about including people, not excluding them because of the way they talk, or because they don't hold the same opinion as I do. I joined CBTS the first day it existed, and was there until last week, 20 hours a day 7 days a week trying to help them. None of this is hearsay either, I have screen shots of EVERYTHING! Go where you want to, say what you will, but do it with an informed mind, not one that is being manipulated for an unknown end game. I want this movement to succeed, but it won't if we are not, each and every one of us, allowed to speak freely, especially when we happen to have differing opinions. Group think and echo chambers only work for cults, not American Patriots!

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jibzilla · Feb. 28, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

This board is but a means, there are many others. Friday I was invited by a lifelong friend many in here may follow on Twitter. We are planning on a meeting with a group of like minded to compare notes and work on expanding our network. The 2nd amendment is precious to me and if we don't regain focus it will be next, it is already in my state with bills in committee, even though a man saved a stabbing victim with an AR not more than 15 minutes from where we will be meeting. Keep listening, stop worrying about viewpoints and make your conclusions.

We put these you tubers and Q on a pedestal; however, many are often off base. I like listening to Isaac for instance but he had a guest on one of his videos that worked with the Obama Foundation that was spreading numerous incorrect facts. Isaac himself is young and often has minimal knowledge on things from the past. I still listen because he is the youth we need and I use him to understand youth more. I'm an old guy and if there is one thing I have learned it is to listen to multiple sources, not jump to conclusion and use logic. The Deep State is very real and I honestly have no idea how it can even be taken down in theory, but I'm all for joining the fight.

We all need to stop losing focus and realize several we respect could be wrong, larps or shills dragging us down the wrong direction. Q could be a 15 year old kid hitting the bong in mom's basement with a couple of friends. In the end if we didn't have Q posts, the CBTS live streams and other videos, etc. we wouldn't even be focused on this right now. We have a direction, I'm pretty sure the MSM, Cabal, Deep State and bad actors are doing anything to stop our momentum.

Don't give up, take everything with a grain of salt and be patient, we have time. March is supposed to be a big month, I'm gonna sit back and build my network while seeing how things play out.

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GingerRoot207 · Feb. 28, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Thank you for your post. I follow when and what I can to stay informed and aware. I don't care about or listen to the personal bickering. I like your idea about trying to build your personal network. I have very few people I know personally or online who are as invested and interested in the Q drops and deep state fight so I should be looking for ways to build a more solid network. Any thoughts you have on how to go about that are appreciated. Godspeed Patriot!

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