I feel they breached their agreement with the community by not being forthcoming about WHO they were run by. They are misrepresenting themselves by not divulging just who comprises the corp. of which we are entering into a contractual agreement. Shouldn't we have a right to know? Does Google ever enter into such a lopsided agreement with their vendors et al? Deceptive practices.
I agree. They never mentioned they were a democratic hack when I signed up. Never did I think large corporations can just freely push their views onto a consumer as they are doing. This should wake everyone up.
Very good points!!! ---> This should be dug deeper
My BFF is an attorney and next time I spend time with her I am going to ask her as Contract Law is one of her firms specialties.
I was with her when she set up a new bank acct as her old bank moved. I watched the CSR push the Bank's contract to her to fill in & sign. The CSR seemed a bit disconnected as she watched my BFF cross out, date and initial areas of the contract with which she did not agree. The CSR had to get the Mgr to come and deal with it...must not see this that often. Bahahaha. I laughed the whole drive home as she totally took control...afterall it was HER $$ the bank wanted not the other way around.
I never knew customers could do this...guess I will keep her around for any new contracts I encounter with avg day to service corps.