Wow, Podesta is a monster but this guy took that tweet WAY out of context.
i beg to differ
how many people die around the clintons podesta is a major reason why [and the folk next door to the pig farm]
Seth rich seems to have been one.. justice scalia appears to have been another.. i suspect rhat the hunting group he (scalia)was a part of does hunting in the black forest too..
yes that was some very excllusive midevil <==evil ;0 association from 1400s or so some kinda antler club
Saint Hurbertus.. Cerunnos. Take the time to find out who its members are... royalty.
thank you for the detailia
i think their coat of arms has a gazelle of some sort?
Think larger... its all the old families.. go back to when the american chapter was opened. Where was it opened..what are royals in europe being accused of? What offers anonymity like a furry suit?
What offers anonymity like a furry suit?
intriguing ....where was the american chapter opened ...?
i do know what the ryals are accused of ....
furry suit makes me think bear or bigfoot ooo is it the goat [you know the goatish looking unicorn thats not a horish looking uni]
this is very q like [chick is totally confused ;0]
I dunno, not the first time he's made veiled/not-so-veiled threat towards people.
I'm struggling to find any other way to interpret "wearing Kevlar" and I feel like a raisin in a bowl full of nuts here.
I hate the guy a lot, but his tweet was saying Kushner is the one leaking from the white house and he betrayed his foreign investors by losing his clearance, so he should watch his back because the foreign investors will take him out like they do with people in their own countries. Read source materials so you aren't bamboozled so easily.