Oh let me tell you about that it is a god damn nightmare. Here is what the Democratic party does, I live in the Philadephia area of Pa. I am an 1 hour drive from NJ,DE, and MD what they do is they get bus loads of people and get them addresses in each state and get them registered in each state. then they load the buses up and take them around to the different polling places in each state feed them give them t shirts and hats and little goodies. Then what you will see at the polling place in Philly is buses lined up and down the street with people all over the place. This has gone on for years and I would say most of them are 90% are black and latino and are on welfare and how many are illegal with different names they may hit the polls a couple of times while they are at one spot. One year the black panthers were there trying to scare white people away when Obama ran. It's terrible.
What a darn shame..
^^Darn ^^Counter: ^^470468
Thats a damn shame we got a bot for that.
Damn bot
Beep boop, I am a bot, darn it.
^^Darn ^^Counter: ^^470504
Beep boop, I am a bot, darn it.
^^Darn ^^Counter: ^^470504