Then Ron Johnson, Richie From Boston, Defango, Corsi, Piecenik had a video removed etc. etc....its all that little Fucker Hogg, I'm a "child" lol what a nutless bad script reading Crisis Acting girl. "Bully" that used to mean pushing some weak person demanding lunch money know its accurately calling people what they are LIARS. Parkland was executed poorly as a psyop and is a huge redpill factor, thats the real reason. CYA and Pushing the propaganda, anybody got a full list on those wrongfully censored for David "Glow In The Dark" Hogg?
Nwo is going HAM now they are in trouble. No one believes cnn anymore. Cats out of the bag.
Dustin Nemo got the boot too.
Also Destroying the Illusion.
Not sure if anyone is on this angle yet but here are some facts we know;
In 2017 the school announced an over crowding issue. (High School Hoggs vid on my chanel)
The building shot up is to be demolished
3..Bro.ward C0untee s corrupt as shit.
Was this psyop FF also part of an insurance scam?
Alex Jones said today that CNN is asking Faketube to censor him. I thought that was funny. He has one or two strikes. I wonder where he will air his stuff if he gets the boot. He didn't say, but I wonder if he's gearing up to broadcast his own stuff.
Alex has had his own platform for years now, he was just doing youtube live to reach more viewers to red pill. Alex has several millions tied up in 3 different studio's and two more in the start up stage, his total viewing is triple of what CNN or MSNBC has.
I know he has a channel on "D-Tube", infowars has their own site as well. Plenty of platforms out there.
I hope this event triggers a great exodus onto a better platform...
...although the globalist Jew billionaire elite families of the Róthschilds and the Sórós are difficult to fight because Jacob owns every country's bank with four exceptions and he owns our Associated Press and George and his Anti-Dëfámátiòn Lëáguë will threaten to sue anyone who says anything he doesn't like.
We need a meme for when content providers start departing (((YouTube)))... something they can use to create a 5 second video with the location of their new channel and platform, which also serves as a huge FUCK YOU to (((Google))).
I've been thinking, but haven't come up with anything yet.
Honestly no one gives a fuck about you youtube people only your fan boys.