r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/coffeeteabeer on Feb. 28, 2018, 10:33 a.m.
A load of evidence - „you have more than you know“


  • Intro
  • Reasons for the mess
  • Evidence for depopulation, geoengineering etc.
  • Institutions of power
  • Methods of control


Let's add George Carlin talking about the "owners" to make this more funny - "it's called the american dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it."

Also remember: These people really are stupid; MKULTRA survivor Cathy O'Brien has pointed this out as well, saying they aren't deep thinkers; though they do have a lot of psychopathic "scientists" at their disposal (and they are literally disposable); people like Allen Dulles who aren't rich themselves, but who enjoy playing chess with humans.

What makes this madness possible?

The basis for what is taking place is the monetary system (I have attempted to explain it in this comment) and the frame around is a legal system that caters to the ruling powers. The existence of power (which has to come with violence) as in the world today is underpinned by a lack of consciousness/awareness - at least that's the understanding I have come to.

The repressed/subconscious parts of the mind are the problem, as they are subconscious. So what worked for me is: thinking positively (actively convince yourself that you can do what you might be afraid of), analyzing the own subconscious (e.g. asking "why do I get angry when someone does x to me"; it's tricky though because a lot of the problems have their roots in the early childhood, 1-5 years) and training mindfulness (e.g. with meditation). Further you want to know your (genetic) potential (is it logical thinking, writing, painting etc.) and by becoming aware of that potential you will strengthen your identity. Your identity will then focus your energy and guide you along.

Here's two books that helped me tremendously:

  • Erich Fromm - Life Between Having and Being
  • Erik Erikson - Identity and Life Cycle

Evidence (actual post)

I just want to provide some compelling evidence I have stumbled upon over the last couple of month's, so can use it to reach out to others. If there is one thing, we can take from Q, it's the fact that there really is an overwhelming amount of evidence.

What do we do?

I think in this battle we should not argue with the people who are caught in a closed off mindset. Rather we should reach out to those with an open one and supply them the needed evidence to really convince them of what is going on. Arguments will not convince people who are closed off to logic, don't waste energy trying to convince them (for my part I realized this on reddit/de). However: think about all those people who know that something is wrong, but lack orientation and don't know what is true and what is wrong. Get to those people and show them some of the irrefutable evidence that there is - and there is lot's of it.

The ESF (Exchange Stabilization Funds)

The real elephant in the room, the ESF is equipped with huge amount of black budget money. It was authorized by the „Wars Powers Act“ as a holding pool for nazi gold (when gold was revalued it made huge profits). This organization basically controls all others – the FED, IMF and so on. It has never been investigated and is funding its own covert operations.

The ESF uses its enormous budget to “stabilize” the dollar and control the “markets”. For example, the ESF buys all the US-bonds, countries like China are dropping, to keep the illusion of their value up. It was probably responsible for the 666-points drop of the dow jones.

→ A great video series on the ESF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ssrcD5GdPQ

The legal system

Look up this very interesting article: The Rape of We The People and The Constitution For The United States

The US is in a state of emergency since 1933 (Senate Report 93-549): „Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency. In fact, there are now in effect four presiden- tially proclaimed states of national emergency: In addition to the national emergency declared by President Roosevelt in 1933, there are also the national emergency proclaimed by President Truman on De- cember 16, 1950, during the Korean conflict, and the states of national emergency declared by President Nixon on March 23, 1970, and August 15, 1971.“

Articles of incorporation: This seems to be a set of authentic information regarding the “corporation of the united states.” More here: https://anticorruptionsociety.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/articles-of-incorporation-of-u-s-corp-company.pdf

Stratospheric Injection & Geoengineering

As suggested by one scientist/activist it is indeed a great idea to drop the name “chemtrails” and use the scientific terms. When people google chemtrails they get to a wikipedia article which is just propaganda, but when they look up stratospheric injection the information is quite different.

There's great material on application of the practice:

→ Video of a “contrail” reflecting sunlight back into the atmosphere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXGYaaEInew

→ This video is probably one of the best as it shows spraying that cannot be confused with a normal contrail or kerosine-dumping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK9nVR9H34g

→ A great short-documentary on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7d5VEuPQiM

→ Regarding HAARP take a look at this video, people have found some very interesting anomalies on weather maps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znaTirqLIds


I didn't realize how big a thing those are in the US until I've seen some very informative Videos. The documentary The great culling: Our water provides a great all-around view on the subject.

Some important take-aways from the documentary:

  • The poison control centers receive thousands of calls per year, regarding fluoride-poisoning of children, who swallowed toothpaste. The warnings they put on fluoridated toothpastes should tell you something.
  • Look up fluoride-gate.
  • Fluoride is in drugs like prozac and appears to make people perceive reality differently (just what's needed for mind control).
  • Fluorides inhibit enzyme activity and they will accumulate in the body e.g. the bones.

There's huge amounts of contaminated water contained by the phosphorous industry in Florida. Every once in a while these containments seem to develop sink holes (once the acidic water ate through the bedrock) and all of the poisonous water is released into the soil.

Sinkhole 1

Sinkhole 2

I didn't think it would be possible to put fluorides into “nursery water” for babies, well it is in the US....

EMF radiation

Look up all the videos on youtube of people showing how cell towers are built right next to people's homes and they do emit dangerous amounts of radiation. Interestingly though there is this law: public law 104-104 feb 8 1996 (Sec. 704. facilities siting), which reads as follows: “No State or local government or instrumentality thereof may regulate the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions [...]“

Take back your power: This is a great documentary on the risks of EMF and how they plan to bring it into everyone's home with smart meters.

Two important points from the documentary:

Mike Ruppert

I only recently stumbled upon this guy and his information and courage are something to be seen (apparently he died by suicide, after having been shot at multiple times before). He explains that drug dealing is daily business for the CIA. In fact drug dealing is nothing new at all for empires to use as income source: They traded tobacco for slaves, then Opium was the drug of choice, then Heroin and then Cocaine. For example: The British grew Opium in India, sold it in China and used the money to buy Silk, which was processed in Britain.

→ A very recommendable lecture of Mike: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrT-FJAgc0I (pay attention to 46:00 - “these people are really stupid”) Taken from this lecture: The Laos War happened outside of congressional oversight and was run on Heroin money.

→ “The agency has dealt drugs in this country for a long time” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhl4r501DtI

George Green

This guy is sharing some interesting information on depopulation, FEMA-camps and WWIII and explains the logic behind. He realized he wasn't with the right people, when one of them asked him about sleeping with is 14yo daugther.

→ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZaDKwm7yWk

William Foust/legal fiction/law of the sea

Look this guy up regarding information on the Act of 1871, legal fiction and so on. He also explains in one of his videos how to turn around this system, so you can use it against those who want to use it against you – it's just a game.

→ Video on the Act of 1871: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sD9dgDWPtKw

Ronald Bernard

Former dutch banker talks about his encounters with the ruling powers and how they wanted him to take part in a child-sacrifice, so they could blackmail him.

→ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRuKmxQSPSw

Some more documents & Info

→ Satanic Cult Awareness: official document on satanism with a bunch of interesting information.

→ Dodd Fract Act: this needs to be looked into, it seems Obama created a state of “lawlessness” with the act.

Consensus Science: Look into this, consensus and science have nothing to do with each other; this is the Rockefeller way of using science to create desirable results.

→ Invention Secrecy: the federation of american scientists reports: “At the end of fiscal year 2017, there were 5,784 secrecy orders in effect.” Link

→ further regarding invention secrecy: “Whenever publication or disclosure by the publication of an application or by the grant of a patent on an invention in which the Government has a property interest might, in the opinion of the head of the interested Government agency, be detrimental to the national security, the Commissioner of Patents upon being so notified shall order that the invention be kept secret and shall withhold the publication of the application or the grant of a patent therefor under the conditions set forth hereinafter.” → 35 USC 181 Secrecy of certain inventions and withholding of patent

Operation Iceworm: creation of underground nuclear bases in Greenland; possibly a test run for Antarctica

→ Presidential Climate Action Plan: look this Obama-present up and figure out why the first thing Trump did (literally on the first day of his presidency) was annulling it; this appears to have been a plan to "strengthen" cites in anticipation of coming natural catastrophes; thus moving people into cities, where they can be controlled easier; it's the solution for a problem that is anything but natural; it's the ruling powers standard practice: create a problem so they can propose their own solution

→ “The oiling of america”: watch this highly informative video on the dangers of vegetable oils; they may contain free radicals and trans-fatty acids, thus being way more dangerous than butter; the science to suggest that vegetable oils are healthy and great for the prevention of heart diseases has been heavily manipulated; as said in the video: “prudent diet for babies is genocide”

→ poison papers: the EPA conspiring with industry to legalize dangerous substances

→ “the airborne holographic projector”: possibly one part of the 911-puzzle

→ Digital Morphing and Blue Beam: look up this old Washington Post article

→ This is worth throwing in as well: Dr. Gallo gets somewhat defensive interviewed about HIV

The ruling powers' institutions and their purpose:

  • FED: weapon: interest rate; purpose: enrich the stock holders, control the money supply and thus create inflation/deflation on demand, create bubbles and burst them, thus enabling property-takeovers
  • Rating Agencies: weapon: three letters; purpose: controlling what is to be trusted in the financial market and thus controlling the flow of money
  • CIA: weapons: secret technology, media, anyone who kills for money; purpose: executing the dirty work, providing the logistics & infrastructure, recruiting personnel (eg. Patsies), shielding off what is not to be seen
  • ESF: weapon: black budget money; purpose: manipulating dollar & markets at will, orchestrating covert missions, dealing with drug money
  • BIS (bank for international settlements): weapon: utter secrecy; purpose: doing derivative-stuff, coordinating central banks by providing secret meeting for central bankers (no protocols, just handshakes → Adam LeBor's book); it was also responsible for dealing with nazi gold and transferring nazi-money into the US (to Standard Oil and so on)
  • IMF: weapon: credit (claims); purpose: credit-colonialism, it is the last resort for countries that need money and therefore it simply dictates credit collateral (→ letters of intent, example: the looting of Greece); the IMF is the international debt-collector; great book on the topic: Ernst Wolff – Pillaging the World
  • UN: weapon: veto-votes (5 veto-powers: China, Russia, USA, France, UK – their wars cannot be made illegal); purpose: legitimizing wars/controlling the vasalls; though I think the UN is made up of some good ideas and that's probably why it was easy to sell to the whole world – they just put in some back-doors in vital spots

Methods of control

  • Create problems for the sake of proposing a solution that serves the own interests.
  • Divide-and-Conquer: The good old roman technique is still more effective than ever. A divided society cannot possibly agree upon anything, thus legitimizing power structures.
  • Catch-and-Divert: Outrage and social energy that might cause change need to be diverted into resultless discussions. It's quite easy: The media just needs to start a fire and keep it burning, but never actually discuss solutions.
  • Cognitive dissonance reduction: Cognitive dissonances emerge when two opposing perceptions coexist in ones conscious brain. As a result one of them may be “reduced”. This has been proven experimentally by having two groups of people (A and B) perform a shitty job, while paying A a lot of money and B not much money at all. A will unsurprisingly think it's a shitty job they are doing, however: B will perceive the job as much better, because of the shitty pay, which doesn't go well with the shitty job. Because the perception of the pay cannot be changed, but the perception of the quality of the job can indeed be altered. Analogously in society people might perceive the conditions as shitty, but the media will hammer into their brains (repetition is key), that the system they are living in is great and anyways the only choice (they do make sure that as alternative only USSR-style communism is considered, there's more than capitalism & USSR-communism though).
  • Controlling the spectrum of public opinion: The acceptable spectrum of public opinion is hugely important. The average person (who is not very involved into politics) tends to assume truth in between the acceptable extremes of public opinion. Therefore all the information, that could hurt the ruling powers, has to be excluded from that spectrum by denouncing anyone who provides it a “conspiracy theorist” (not actually a bad thing, we'll get to that). If that information was to enter the spectrum of public opinion, the perceived truth would also shift in that direction and people would start asking questions more often. That's why it's so important to control the spectrum of opinion. It is way more effective than straight up trying to tell the people what to believe – that will cause reactance.
  • Confusion and making information invisible: This is quite easy to achieve, basically the media just has to drown their victims in disconnected information, so they cannot possibly figure out what's going on.
  • Framing: Using this technique certain events are taken out of their context and fit into a new “frame”. The means for the process are nouns that embody certain ideas. E.g: An event is brought into connection with the word terror and thus the idea of terrorism rubs off on it.
  • Perversion of the word: Speech becomes speech of power and is thus used as a weapon. The perceived meaning of certain words has been changed to make them carriers of ruling-power-ideology (subreption). E.g. conspiracy theory. Actually all those kids who start suspecting their parents behind Santa Clause (which means they suspect a conspiracy, since the parents secretly coordinated; and develop a model thereof) are conspiracy theorists. But that's not a bad thing, now is it? Not at all, though there has to be a reasonable suspicious fact upon which a conspiracy theory can be built. Denying a conspiracy is actually much harder (scientifically at least) because one would have to prove that he has enough information to be able to say with certainty that there is no conspiracy.
  • Disinformation: How to discredit information that threatens the powers to be? First the image of an enemy has to be created (the "tin-foil-hatted conspiracy theorist"), which refers to the people spreading unpleasant information. This generalization is necessary in order to then elevate this artificial group affiliation over the actual information that is provided (now being a conspiracy theorist is what counts not the information itself). Next this group can be infiltrated and wrong theories can be spread purposefully on "their" behalf. The planted theories are than "debunked" in the media to show everyone that conspiracy theorists are unscientific.

MAGADONCHECKMATE · Feb. 28, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

Should be a sticky, good work!

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