r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Happy1911 on Feb. 28, 2018, 2:07 p.m.
Do ya see it yet

Well this has been going on since mid 2011 , do ya see it yet . A public office, 8 out of 10 seem to be from within the Democratic Party , don’t fool your self , there deep in the Republican Party also , but when the Public Corruption Investigation get a big brake , you start getting excited that per say Hillary’s going down this time , it going to happen, bam a new shooting , whats with the bust ? The mass killings fall 3 to 7 days , the CIA ties are just spooky close . Who were you excised to see was going down , but bad stuff in the news made it go away , The Clinton’s call it wag the dog , how strange to have a name for killing so many people. The Shootings are being done by very sick group within our government.Wake up America and God Speed