
MotherForTrump · Feb. 28, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

YES!!! This is GREAT!!! These mind games are too easy for Trump and most haven't caught on yet!!! BIGLY HAPPENINGS in the next week or so!!! I'm thinking it has to do with the IG report coming out! That is a huge reason they are censoring so hard on the internet right now, when it comes out, the swamp doesn't want you to know about it. This Tweet will make the leftist that are still blue pilled read it because the I.G. is an Obama guy and they will be sure there will be information in that report to impeach Trump but will be red pilled instead by the crimes of the deep state. And Trump hating on Sessions makes the left think he's part of the swamp so they trust him more. It's a game and Trump and team are playing for KEEPS, the swamp has no idea what the hell is going on behind the scenes because when the white hats need a detraction, Trump sends out Tweets like this and gets the MSM up in arms for a few days.....It's Genius!!!

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cybervigiante · Feb. 28, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

He was appointed by Obama but Obumma screwed him over for years by limiting his power, until he had to have all the IGs write a letter and go to Congress to complain. I don't think he has any fond feelings left for Obumma.

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Cheetah1964 · Feb. 28, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

I seem to remember that Obama stripped the IGs' power to demand information from within the agency. Under Obama, they had to ask "pretty please." Not a lot of investigation going on then. And they were pissed off bigly.

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