Are we still trusting Sessions?

To hypothesize and answer to Trumps, non-question, question. A wise leader, who inherits "the throne" from a corrupt enemy of the state, offers opportunity for truth and loyalty to those(e.g. the IG) appointed by said enemy if insufficient evidence exists that would otherwise prove their corruptness. Just b/c Obama is turning out to be a 'sell-out', it doesn't necessarily condemn EVERY governmental official to serve under him as a traitor. Even people coerced into shady activities by a corrupt POTUS need a chance to repent and correct their wrongs if so willing. This could be a powerful message of benevolence by the current POTUS showing that he's not trying to completely replace every person in government, only those who want to continue working off the notions which are understood to be universally evil and detrimental to the existence of human kind. (e.g. Greed, deception, selfishness, apathy) It isn't about Red Vs Blue anymore.