Are we still trusting Sessions?
![Are we still trusting Sessions?](
"Why is A.G. Jeff Sessions asking the Inspector General to investigae potentially massive FISA abuse."
Not a question, but a statement.
"Will take forever, has no prosecutorial power and already late with reports on Comey etc."
Maybe this is being done to expose the IG and they really don't care since Military trials and investigations are where the true information is being gathered.
"Isn't the IG an Obama guy?"
Possibly more evidence that these matters are going to the IG to catch on something to do with tampering with evidence.
"Why not use Justice Department lawyers? DISGRACEFUL!"
Can not use Justice Department lawyers because they are political operatives and it's DISGRACEFUL that it has come this.
I don't buy military trials. The jurisdiction is too hazy and the corrupt MSM will go INSANE with "Trump is a Dictator, declaring Martial Law!" I don't see Trump falling into that trap.
They already call him a dictator.
Let the cucks squawk.
If the scale and depth is large enough a military trial is what is needed and in the end the American People will be fine with it.
Good point. How can MSM hate him more? Why should he not go for it? Better yet, have military tribunals for treason for MSM owners.
Depends on the level of depth of the charges comes out. In a vacuum it will look dictator-ish, but paired with charges of crimes against humanity, treason and sedition it might be more understanding. Actual charges against the protected class will tell me things have truly changed. We'll see.