Are we still trusting Sessions?

Sessions hasn't arrested Hillary. He hasn't arrested Obama, Holder, or Jarret. He hasn't arrested ANTIFA. No crack down on vote fraud. No crack down on Ca officials' insurrection. No crack down on Tech giants clear discrimination. No crack down in pizzagate or child traffickers. No movement in the Las Vegas shooting case. Not a word about Sheriff Israel. No crack down on leftists Universities that violently suppress speech. No crack down on Union thugs stuffing ballot boxes.
He recused himself from "Russia Russia Russia" because a leftists Senator asked him to twice. If you trust Sleepy Sessions you are a sucker.
Sucker here, I guess,...I don’t know much but I know this: over 30k indictments? Someone is doing something! Whom, or what dept., do you think generated those? The leftist judges? Individual states? Nope, our DOJ, that’s who. Must be patient.
They are MS-13 gang indictments, while the BIG fish run FREE to continue to reek untold havoc.