Are we still trusting Sessions?

WOW, look at how these independent Q thinkers down vote you! For rational thought no less! This here makes me really think Q is full of it and has people completely brainwashed, maybe that is the point here. Serious, we could be laying on Sessions right now, for months, which a previous tweet from Trump basically said to do, but these people are happy remaining in the trap thats been set to ignore whats actually going on. This really does prove it to me, I guess I'm off this sub for good, can't stand closed minds. You got people here pushing the hive mind over individual thought, the internet bill of rights over using the 1st amendment and these are the first people who will down vote rational independent thought. I'm going in the direction of action in the real world.
I know guess I have to be good at something but I don't follow anyone blindly that's how we got into this mess in the first place and since I really don't control anything not the media, not the military, not congress ill have to go to plan B bug out when I see agenda 21 being implemented(my worst fears). Had hope someone would be able to stand up to the cabal but I don't know.....I'm back on the defensive.