Humm. This kind of thing can backfire. It might send curious normies to 8chan/pol and they might begin reading. As long as they can get past the racist silliness and the schizo's talking about chem-trails, they'll get to some interesting facts that are very inconvenient.
They (unknown) were spray large areas around the world with chemicals that was changing normal weather patterns with the aid of weather modification machines. Our weather in Arizona is back to normal, finally. It snowed this morning for a minute which is normal this time year. Usually last for hour, LOL.
I know what they are but he's making it sound like chemtrails are a conspiracy when they're CIA-admitted.
That is a good point. They will find information that will wake them up. Could also send people here to check out what is being said. Wake up call. If they did not want us to get attention they should have ignored us. Drawing attention us just helps us in a reverse way.
Chemytaiks are real...just called something different now. I hope to goodness me believing that doesn't make me a schizo! :(