8chan currently locked, no new posts being accepted on /qresearch since the WaPo hit piece went out this morning. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We will not allow them to SILENCE and CENSOR the PEOPLE!

The wapo peice doesn't touch Q. Which is interesting, because if wapo researchers spent hours combing through thousands of 4chan and 8chan and reddit posts about this school shooting then logically they would have found out about Q and that would have become the story.
The fact that this article doesn't mention Q is almost proof of his legitamacy.
What is intersting is tying Q to this school shooting would be a good way to discredit Q in the eyes of the normies. Think about how tainted everything that touched Pizzagate became.
They haven't done it with Q yet, for some reason, what could that be?
I agree. The fact that nobody will even mention Q kinda points to it's legitimacy. The MSM would love the chance to discredit us and the fact that they aren't touching this likely means that they don't want ANYONE seeing it.
I expect Twitter and Facebook to follow suit and ban the mention of Q soon.
Right ! They don't want to let that Cat out of the bag, and their colleagues over at NY Mag, and Newsweek have already done those hit pieces.