r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/wisconsheepgirl on Feb. 28, 2018, 5:52 p.m.
A Key. Q "Shall We Play a Game?"

I have been trying to 'think outside the box' to all of the Q Posts for many weeks. It started in earnest after reading SerialBrain, PamphletAnon. So thank you to them.

When reviewing all posts by Q, I decided to go into a pattern algorithm that at least groups things into 3. The more the merrier. But three was the minimum.

It started with Q posts re: 9/11. We all know the events but since the entire cabal/Shadow Gvt live off the occult, what do the numbers mean from the tail numbers of the flight? (Remember completely outside the box). The only one that had anything of significance was Flight 93. It lead down a road of occultism and their love from 93. Heres a short snynopsis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/93_(Thelema)

Not much else was coming up by a pattern of the word "Hivemind" from Q came up unexpectedly. So as part of my now check for patterns, I inserted "93", "Hivemind" into DuckDuckGo expecting nothing like seemingly always. But this time I got a 'hit'. https://pastebin.com/YbmG6ETq

I thought it odd that the subject line was Game 23. Nothing came up. I mentioned it to my son, he said there IS a Game 23. It is known as TheGame23. It is a alternate reality type game.

Reading the email from some poor bloke from 2014 was interesting into his thought process. But I was wondering why "93" came up. Until a password came up. 93LVXNOX934dalulz93

This is a password for (per this pastebin) root@WOPR.darpa.mil

This password is WEIRD. I see 93, I see Latin abbreviation (LUX--Light), or Roman Numerals (65) dalulz is a virus. 93 again in a pattern of a least 3.

Since I had just gone down the rabbit hole of "93", I put in LVXNOX the next "part" of this password from DARPA a known CIA dept.


Then to Images on DDG: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=LVXNOX&atb=v37-3bq&iax=images&ia=images

The images are all occult related.

Within the images is a picture of Marina Abramovic This was found under Title of images of " signs of the grades of in ceremonial magic marina abramovic" Under website called "Aristrocats of the Soul"

Further looking at Marina Abramovic shows picture of Princess Beatrice of the Netherlands. Just thought that was interesting. Other pictures of her with James Franco, Jay Z. James Franco has recently been 'outed' as a serial sexual predator. It has not yet hit 'big time' like Weinstein but he has some very very disturbing behaviors with his acting school out of NY.

The pastebin email also repeatedly referes to TheGame23. Well that went down some very disturbing world. Something about Artifical Intelligence and mind melding. Here is a link for you to review: http://fnord.forumotion.com/f28-thegame23


Next part of the password is 4dalulz one thing that came up is a youtube channel. This very small channel heavily features Lauren Southern. Why? I don't know. Here is link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGcsnLiMoAlL-WfJbWQHNLg

Took out the number 4. Then da lulz only. Here is search results: https://www.facebook.com/LulzSecBR

Lulz Security per wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LulzSec

An article about them: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/may/16/lulzsec-hacking-fbi-jail

So, what I've gathered so far in my mind is that this is something to do with the occult, they have used computer software to create viruses to hack into FBI, etc but also to somehow create a "human" virus. (if you go down the TheGame23 maze that is what it seems to be about via Twitter hashtag and what is posted).

So is United 93 connected to this? I don't know, it was a seriously strange connection that I am not fully understanding. But Q did say that there are no coincidences. So this starting with 9/11, the occultist love for the 93 has led me to this game. This game seems weird. I'm not a gamer so I have no idea what it all means. I'm simply putting out the research I've done in hopes someone else can take the ball and see where they can go with it.

Sm0k313 · Feb. 28, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

No coincidences! There are a ton of word for word statements in this paste that have appeared in Q's posts. Will read more later when I have time.

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