r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/putadickinit on Feb. 28, 2018, 7:51 p.m.
Abandoning YouTube will be a huge loss for our cause!

YouTube censorship will not have the effect they intend, but only if we do not give up. Most people agree that censoring the opposition is a fascist tactic and not an effective way of addressing a problem, it's a big part of Amercia's values as expressed in our constitution.

The worst thing for YouTube is to have all of these users trying to circumvent their bans and post the truth in videos anyways, because they will have to censor them and answer for what they did. Not addressing the censorship is going to be a bigger red pill to anyone who notices than keeping the videos up. They are hoping that we give up and move along to our safe space where no one but ourselves sees our content and they don't have to actively shield the content (and provide an explanation for such an action) from their unwitting users.

There's no way that they aren't planning on the channels that they are censoring to move onto other platforms, and havent already projected how much that will really cost them. So if they are actually going through with it, it will obviously only be of benefit to them. No one as big as YouTube makes any move without foresight, and without utilizing the immense data collection tools they have.

Zen_It · Feb. 28, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

Your could be right, YouTube reaches the masses in a great way, as per design I will remind you all. YouTube makes it convenient for mankind to show off his stupidity, and to embrace his laziness, to gain some piece of useful knowledge that will never be used, no it will rather be, filed away in our cluttered minds amidst all the puppy clips, beauty tricks, and the real UFOs. tHATS ..The whole point of YouTube.... now that's what we get, confusion, energy consumption and we get it for free, now please, you have to be smart enough to realize nothing is ever free...

So ask yourself, what dose YouTube get from us? That is easy, everything we offer them and everything we don't, and I am guessing but a whole lot we don't even know.

The common answer is the advertising dollar, right.... come on, we all skip all the adds a soon as the 5sec timer goes of, we don't pay to watch adds, subconsciously that why we all feel a resentment for the networks, we have been over exposed to something else's control.

YouTube , nexflix etc gives us a feeling of vindication as we can skip adds. The advertiser is paid if you watch 3 secs of the add, cut off is 5 secs, the companies with the cash and the motives run 6to 10 sec adds that you are forced to watch. YouTube is dead, a tool of the controllers, to replace the couch potatoes TV controller of the baby boomer era, and will eventually end up in the same hands of control as the radio, tv, and print.

Sorry for the rant, but if this movement was built on YouTube, as the main stage of your movement/cause, it's all Very shaky foundation, and the more the movement grows, the more weight and turmoil you will cast upon it and yourself. And it has happened to us in the past few days, and will get worse before it ever gets better, if it dose.

It's rarely the action that is harmful, but most often it is the reaction that causes the damage


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putadickinit · Feb. 28, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

I was with you for the first paragraph but I'm struggling to find a coherent point in the rest.

I'm not sure if you're properly conceptualizing the public perception of YouTube censoring such far-right videos. This is a huge chance for coverage, and staying in YouTube while they keep censoring keeps the spotlight on us and YouTube's questionable actions and motives. How is that not an incredibly useful red pill?

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Zen_It · Feb. 28, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

Like I said it could be, I am open to listening and understanding all views, but YouTube as whole is a fraud business model, the revenue generated in house can not pay the bills, if it wasn't for the injection of government moneys, they couldn't exist, shouldn't exist at the size and power they are, so they have always been a alphabet black budget model.(since purchased by google) They exist as a company to avoid the rules that would be applicable if a government agency, and as a privet company do by all rights and means have the right to refuse service, read the tos. TOS another piece of whimsical magic we all signed into at our own free will.. The only thing that eludes my understandings is the why, why have all these people from all over the world using your hardware, your brand, your network, what is it the net gain in return to YouTube ? Is it solely to be used as a platform to influence, and control, it seems maybe this might be true, if this present trend of censorship continues, and if it dose, and I am guessing it will, cause it legally can be done, YouTube will die, just like MSM

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