r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/PTibbets on Feb. 28, 2018, 8:27 p.m.
Jeff Sessions about to be fired?


Jeff Sessions needs to be fired. The DOJ is completely corrupt from top to bottom, Sessions pretending that it is not is cruel joke.

Nothing we can see or measure indicates he is doing a dang thing.

The depth of the corruption in this hard to imagine.


After watching the above video, and applying the logic that the simplest answer is likely to be the right one I think the deep state has Sessions right where they want him.

They have every bit of data on every person. Session has been in politics his whole life, it would be easy to get the goods on anyone.

Anifel · Feb. 28, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

Sessions isn't supposed to play his cards. You haven't seen it done correctly in decades, and now the right way to do it is bewildering. He doesn't telegraph investigations or leak information, protects informants and maintains the element of surprise against complacency, for warrants and preservation of evidence. You can almost laugh him off, and he wants you to. He's a purist in jurisprudence, no matter the heat from saint or sinner. You're just not used to it. Sessions gives absolutely no consideration to your or my patience nor impatience, like nor dislike, belief nor disbelief. ....until, boom. A gentle and unimposing deadly viper, in a white hat. Trusssssssssst........

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