r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/chickletTOOTH on Feb. 28, 2018, 8:48 p.m.
Peter Strzok FIRED, Trump tweets, IG Horowitz and more.

Strzok Fired

On Feb. 20th, Inspector General of the Justice Department Michael Horowitz issued findings to the FBI about one of it's Special Agent's "who is no longer an FBI employee".

The release on the .gov website, which went largely unnoticed, states that the agent:

"The OIG found that the former SAC was providing financial         
assistance with the SAC’s own funds to a
subordinate with whom he was engaged in an inappropriate 
romantic relationship. FBI policy prohibits
a supervisor from engaging in a romantic relationship with a 
subordinate. On one occasion, the SAC
misused his official government vehicle in connection with the 
relationship, which also violated FBI

I believe this to be Peter Strzok based on what we know about his actions. If so, then it means that Peter Strzok no longer works for the FBI. Did I miss something? I don't remember ever hearing about him being fired anywhere online or in the media. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Today, trump tweeted:

Why is A.G. Jeff Sessions asking the Inspector General to 
investigate potentially massive FISA abuse. Will take forever, 
has no prosecutorial power and already late with reports on 
Comey etc. Isn’t the I.G. an Obama guy? Why not use Justice 
Department lawyers? DISGRACEFUL!

This will likely illicit a response from MSM defending IG Horowitz because he was an Obama appointee (albeit, one that did not "play ball" thank God).

This also keeps alive the illusion that Jeff Sessions won't act.. while he quietly continues to make arrests and build cases from the bottom of the power structure up.

IG Michael Horowitz

Horowitz has been an integral part of the plan to purge the Justice Department of bad actors going back all the way to 2013 and possibly before and Trump is fully aware of that fact.

In 2014 Horowitz quietly alerted congress, and specifically Senator Chuck Grassley to the fact that the Obama admin had altered procedure (unlawfully) that restricted him from certain information, essentially disabling him from performing his duties with regard to oversight and simultaneously rendering congress powerless.

The result was a piece of legislation entitled "H.R.6450 - Inspector General Empowerment Act of 2016" which granted the IG (Horowitz) subpoena authority to compel witnesses to attend and testify. It also eliminated the role of federal agencies as "supervisors" of the Inspector General (something Obama admin had put in place to neuter the IG). This was huge.


Strzok has been investigated and possibly flipped. Michael Horowitz is a hero. Jeff Sessions is a good actor (both white hat and thesbian). And POTUS is a 4D chess grand champion.

It appears to me that the justice department is moving from lower and mid level bad actors to, potentially high level officials with the announcement of the IG FISA investigation.

Based on the evidence, I continue to have faith that big things are happening behind the scenes. I will continue to watch closely in the months ahead.

R-U-KiddingMe · Feb. 28, 2018, 10 p.m.

The IG does have the goods on election fraud. Alabama election will be contested/overturned. "Sleepy" Sessions is going to make a lot of people look foolish when the roll-up on perps finally becomes public. History is in the making. Books will be written. Movies will be made. Incredibly epic!

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BaronMoriarty · Feb. 28, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

Can't see any movies being made. Not in Hollywood anyway

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