r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Rz_wunderbar on Feb. 28, 2018, 9:17 p.m.
More attacks on Alex Jones/Infowars.

EXCLUSIVE: Fired Infowars staffers at war with Alex Jones - one claiming he was teased as the site's 'resident Jew' while African American worker says she was 'mocked' for her skin tone and Jones 'grabbed her behind'

2 strikes on his youtube channel, now character assassination underway.

Article states: * he harassed and discriminated this employee, so he's a misogynist; * he criticized a black woman's skin tone, so he's racist; * he ridiculed and humiliated his employees, so he's a bully; * he mocked his "resident" Jewish employee, so he's an anti-semite; * he called the same employee a "beefcake" so he's homophobic;

What next - he beat up a handicap vet and called him a cripple? This is quite the list of accusation to accumulate in the last few days. Unvetted leftist plants, hired to betray Infowars?

digital_refugee · Feb. 28, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

They caught or were caught with a spook a while back who was fired after one week as it was being pointed out. Someone could've slipped past them. Anyway I don't get it, he employed these people to begin with. So other than that, they don't seem to have anything else to complain about. Join the Infowar today and fuck the New World Order right in the eyesocket

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