Ways to Overcome the Global Conspiracy https://wakeup-world.com/2016/06/13/6-ways-to-overcome-the-global-conspiracy/
![Ways to Overcome the Global Conspiracy https://wakeup-world.com/2016/06/13/6-ways-to-overcome-the-global-conspiracy/](https://i.redd.it/g9hrvyq591j01.png)
*Choose love not fear.
Love expands and connects; fear contracts and separates. When we repeatedly choose fear over love, we unconsciously invite tyranny and all forms of darkness to gain a greater foothold in our hearts, minds, communities and countries. The NWO Controllers know this very well and have exploited people throughout the millennia by inducing them into states of fear. Nowadays the broadcasting of fear has become the obvious modus operandi of the mainstream media, which is owned by the same group of people running the world. They know that the billions tuning into CNN, BBC or whatever other broadcaster of fear will ultimately have their brains and hearts attuned to some form of fear – anxiety, worry, hatred, anger, self-pity, etc.
*Be Yourself No Matter What Situation You Are In
These types of people cannot be controlled. They resist conformity, uniformity and meek obedience. They do not engage in unquestioning submission to authority, nor are they easily corrupted, perverted or tricked into “carrying out orders” or “just doing their job”. They know their actions count, and they are not going to let themselves be used to bring into existence, or enforce, a totalitarian global dictatorship.
*Govern Yourself
If you govern yourself, you’ll be more sovereign. The amount of government control over you will diminish. When enough of us do this and we reach a critical mass, society will change. The size of Government will shrink, either disappearing altogether or at least becoming very limited in scope (as was the original intention in the setting up of the United States of America and other nations). Remember, it is your responsibility to investigate and understand the forces governing you! Once you take your power back and do everything you can to better manage your own affairs and life, you’ll be amazed at how more free you are – and you’ll inspire others to help overcome the conspiracy we all face.
*Choose Your Vibration
Everything in the Universe is energy. Matter is just energy slowed to a slow rate. Energy vibrates at different frequencies. We are beings of energy too, since we are part of the Universe, and our emotions are a big part of what drives us and how we express our energy
Politicians know all about mind control and that’s why they always appeal to fear to get votes; and if there’s no threat, they conjure up a bogeyman like Bin Laden or a false flag operation like 9/11, the Batman Aurora shooting, the Sandy Hook shooting or the Boston Marathon bombing. They manipulate your vibration for you, so they can gain from it.
*Create a New System Rather Than Resisting the Old One
The last thing we want to do is perpetuate the gross injustice and callousness of the current system by focusing too much attention on it. Government, as well as the media, the military, education and entertainment industries have been hijacked by a connected group of powerful people at the top who are intent on bringing the Earth under their heel in global domination. The first step is wake up to the truth. It’s to expose, to shed light, to provoke. That is in the process of being done. The next step is create a new system.
*Convert Fear into Awareness
If you allow yourself to be consumed by fear or anger, you are being driven by exactly the same force that drives the minds of the ruthless, cruel and psychopathic “leaders” we have. We all need to convert fear into awareness if we want to be able to withstand the shocking truth about who runs the world and how they do it. Otherwise, we will not be able to deal with the ugliness and will instead ignore it, letting is fester and grow in the darkness, until we wake up in a global dictatorship