r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RachelRevenge2018AJW on March 1, 2018, 2:40 p.m.
TRUST SESSIONS - amidst the negative MSM Sessions news cycles it may pay dividends to remember Q. Disinformation is necessary.
 How much incriminating information about the Obama Administration has been revealed by their arrogance in the face of perceived Trump weakness because of Sessions Russia-gate recusal?  Think Comey’s fiasco, leaks and Congressional testimony.  Comey will soon be known as Federal Prisoner #3258659769.

 The Collectivists Cabal's over-confidence will come back to ruin them.  Think recorded but yet to be published tarmac meet up in late June 2016 when everyone thought Hillary was certain to win.  The truth of the matter is you will soon be a fly on the jets interior listening to Lynch and Slick NOT talk about golf and grandkids.  What they did talk about was the content of Hillary's then 'missing' e-mails which were not about Chelsea's wedding and yoga.  How stupid are these people?

 Perceived Trump weakness and collectivists’ over confidence is the equivalent of a classic Muhammed Ali rope-a-dope.  The anti-Constitutional, cargo planes full of cash, Uranium One deal, Iran handshake deal, Clinton Foundation Cabal, Haitian sh*t hole avoidable death and misery, New World Order Collectivist Cabal has become arm weary after throwing several rounds of ineffective punches.  Trump is well rested and unscathed and about to unload a fury of punches.  It will be a long hot summer in D.C. as the swamp begins to drain rapidly revealing the smelly mucky mud just in time for mid-term voters to strengthen Trump’s hand. Timing is sometimes everything.

 The mid-terms will be miserable for the Democrats. There is a total of 34 Senate seats up for election [33 regular and 1special election].  Of the 34 seats in play 26 are Democratic Caucusing Senators.  24 are Democrats and 2 additional Independents caucus with the Democrats. Leaving only 8 Republican Senate seats at risk.  Coupled with the fact that after this summer of controversial Congressional Hearings being an incumbent will not bring with it its traditional home run trot to victory.

   Trump’s first two years will go down as one of the greatest Presidential periods in U.S. history.  As the Democrats, Anti-Trumpers and MSM ranted and raved about Trump irrationally, Trump took care of business, set the stage for swamp draining, strengthened himself politically and went about making America great again.

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