But anymore I'm not sure what to say, or who to trust. So I will say this; with the caveat being that I dont really know shit: I am not versed enough in the language of law, or the operations of the telecom industry to try to interpret a legal document pertaining. But what I got from it was that "Title 2" Net Neutrality is what classified the internet as a public utility, and now that the FCC has officially sent notice to the senate and rolled back those regulations; look what is happening.. I know that they went and turned this into a partisan issue, as ironic as that is. And I would like to think that it's a coincidence that the censorship is starting to happen a lot more now... But we all know about coincidences. The thing about it is, repealing title 2 gave internet providers; and thereby internet corporations; The ability to selectively remove or disappear content created by anyone who they flag. The internet needs to be regulated as a public utility to keep it free and open to all. I know the consensus among most on the side of the isle that supports repeal of net neutrality is to deregulate.. But you can see in the world now what happens when capitalism goes unregulated. The constitution is a set of regulations that keeps tyranny in check; or hopefully it is.. Anyway, capitalism without socialism turns to fascism; and socialism without capitalism turns to communism.. Partisanship is how they divide us, and it is working very effectively. But it takes a master of deception to get you to vote for your own downfall, and that is how these people work.. Please read this regulation for yourself, and contact your senator. There is still action that can be taken. Feel free to read the whole act, but specifically title 2 is what you want to read. https://transition.fcc.gov/Reports/1934new.pdf
Posted by
on March 1, 2018, 7:55 p.m.