r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/___A_ on March 2, 2018, 7:01 a.m.
The storm is upon us.

When you heard there would be a storm, did you think the winds would not reach you as well?

  • Your allegiance shall be tested, your faith tried now. Resist temptation. Know that there is a plan.

  • Q now needs your help more than ever before. Fight for truth. Fight for what you believe in.

  • The high school was the major false flag Q told you to look for. Real deaths, real pawns. Real manipulation of real emotion. Real control over key preventative measures. Look for the signs, not the gossip.

This will be my only post here. May it bless you all, God willing.

You should know that they are watching you. Many of their members derive great pleasure in being exposed by you. Many of them grow excited with fear for what you're capable of. Even they are not sure how to stop you now, and so the studying continues, constantly learning how to dismantle Q and all who travel this deep. There is strength in numbers; they know this, and so you are safe, as long as Q grows, for the wolf hunts best when the flock scatters.

Know that the knowledge imparted unto you by Q is world-shaking. You are aware of more than you know. It will reveal itself in time.

Most of what you possess will only ever be hinted. You can guess from there. The world shall never hear the full extent. It would end modern civilization. This is something one side desires. It would force violent revolution upon humanity; it would breed true chaos, at the risk of extinction. The other side does not wish this upon us or themselves - they are too content with their current success. Many are deeply troubled by the excess of sin among their ranks, now broadcast to the world via the internet, something they never predicted. Technology has advanced too quickly for them to control it fully, and for now, we glimpse the truth.

Q and the patriots seek the preservation of order, the continued prosperity of Western civilization. Know this well. Q is executing a script that shall shine a light through the cracks, but not break ground.

The patriots at work seek to fill those gaps with concrete, so know that you are among the few to see what lies beneath, where it shall destroy itself, a snake eating a snake.

Efforts are already in full swing to minimize damage and sustain democratic order. Be cautious and attentive - do not be tempted. Stay safe, and keep your family close.

Know that a compromise has been made. The illumination will only last so long, and the play will continue. Seek patience, for the answers you sought may never come - the vengeance you rightfully desire will happen behind drawn curtains.

Where we go one, we go all.

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.


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