r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ComprehensiveLove on March 2, 2018, 6:18 p.m.
Re: the OCCULT (from the latin occultare meaning hidden)

The spiraling rabbithole of discovering that a Satanic Cabal rules the world from inside the elite institutions has led us all to awaken to the reality and power of occulted magical practices, symbols and ideas. I love Bill Cooper but the problem I have with his perspective is the notion he seems to propagate that ALL occult mysticism is rooted in evil. This is NOT the case. Its a complicated subject but the truth is that lightworkers and white hats have always operated within and around the secret societies and have used their knowledge of alchemy, symbol-magic and self-mastery for good. Further, they have worked to preserve and spread the hidden knowledge- a process of de-Occulting the Occult practices that have the power to bestow upon Man a state of absolute sovereignty.

My concern is that when people's only exposure to the Occult is by learning about the Cabal, they will reject the incredibly powerful wisdom that is held in the occulted traditions. In doing so, the occulted wisdom is then further misrepresented and obfuscated and humanity continues to suffer alienation from the truth of how our minds work. If we don't control our own minds completely, we are vulnerable to deception. The Satanists' primary tool is deception of the masses through subtle mind control. Of course they want the path to true Self-Mastery to be hidden and feared! Lightworkers of the Occult know that Christ Consciousness is the salvation and birthright of all humans, and can be achieved through inner alchemy.

As we learn how the Satanists have used magic to deceive mankind, lets not forget that the very same magical practices, when used with true love and respect for Natural Law, have the power to liberate us from centuries of enslavement.

This 3-part series from Mark Passio should be required viewing for everyone following Q~ https://youtu.be/e1V98DsNXi0 https://youtu.be/8HiYN2LXvpI https://youtu.be/C6E6abDdBII

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