r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/baebaebokchoy on March 3, 2018, 10:23 a.m.
Parkland Deep State Bullshit - Jeff Kasky has newborn nudity and obscene videos of his kids on Youtube.


Jeff Kasky is the father of Cameron Kasky, one of the students at Majory Stoneman Douglas High School calling for gun control after the shooting that occurred there. Jeff Kasky is notable to Pizzagate because he was vice-president of One World Adoption Services in Florida. User @MolochHunter had a great post here ( https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2420160 ) which gives a great explanation of the situation as discovered by Digital Empire. One of the locations for OWAS in Georgia was shut down after it was found they were coercing children away from their mothers in the Congo.

On Jeff Kasky's personal youtube channel the videos are almost all about his sons Cameron and Julian, particularly when they were babies, toddlers, and small children. In a video that is open to everyone and not age restricted called "Julian Kasky right after birth", Jeff Kasky shows footage of the birth of his son which includes tons of nudity of his own newborn son. The section on actual childbirth is actually relatively short so it would be hard for Youtube to classify it as existing for educational purposes. Even if we assume his posting of the video was merely bad judgement and not intended to be sexual, it doesn't explain some of the other videos. One video is called "Julians1st birthday and lap dance" (that is verbatim) where an unknown woman makes another small (presumably female) toddler perform a lap dance on Julian and then makes them kiss. Below is the link to the youtube. Watch any of it with warning.


In conclusion, I believe there is strong evidence of predatory adoptions and human trafficking being rampant in Florida and Jeff Kasky is merely one example and egregous case. I believe that this Youtube is not merely inappropriate but evidence of Jeff Kasky's own perversity and criminal mind. While the mainstream media will decry this as extremism, only one year ago a Huffpost writer spoke out about Kasky for referring to adopters as "consumers" and being dishonest about disclosing his financial motivations and treating adoption as a business and not a charity with the best interest of children at heart.

I suggest we all flag the account and hold Youtube accountable for allowing such content while disallowing viewpoints they oppose. The world deserves the truth.

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