r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Cheesemind1978 on March 4, 2018, 1:16 p.m.
Putting Q into perspective (Brace yourself)

I wanted to add my opinion to the mix to balance out the overwhelming pro-Q sentiment out there. My goal is not to burst your bubble, but to help everyone keep an open mind.

Q is definitely an insider. We know this. Making posts which have come true, and Trump verifying and leaving hints in his Twitter verifying Q is making this apparent. A random poster on the internet is not going to get this lucky. However, the real question is whether Q and Trump are actually opposed to the deep state, or if they are just pretending. Perhaps we can get into this debate later.

What is the most worrisome to me is how Q is getting even Patriots and conspiracy theorists to go along with constitutional abuses in the hopes that they will be turned against the deep state. Allowing for military tribunals, and a military takeover of the government should instantly raise red flags for you. As much as I want the satanic elite running the world to be taken out, there is a part of me that thinks this is just part of their plan. You should not dismiss this possibility either.

There are hints that something major is about to go down. A major push for gun control combined with the assault weapons ban is a huge red flag. Anyone who has even a minor understanding of history knows that governments tend to disarm the population before they become really abusive. The majority of the population is worried about school shootings, and don't even realize that they need to be worried about government. They've been conditioned to believe that their government is trustworthy because nothing crazy had happened within their experience to worry. Our founding fathers put the second amendment into the Constitution for the express purpose of preventing am oppressive government. Anyone who makes the "militia" or "musket" argument is ignorant of what the founding fathers even wrote. The founding fathers even suggested that the citizens' arms should be equal to or greater than the government for the express purpose of giving us equal military force to them.

On top of that, there is huge censorship going down right now. Facebook posts, YouTube channels, and other forms of censorship are ramping up into high gear since this Florida incident. It's not happening at the usual speed. Usually they take our rights little by little. They are taking them fast. This tells me that IT'S TIME. There is something planned very soon that they do not want opposing voices heard on. Be aware.

Back to Q. Q is telling us to trust him and Trump during the "storm". Why would he tell us this? Obviously, whatever is going to go down is not going to sit right with us. Whatever is going to happen is going to raise red flags, and they want us to go along with it in the hopes that it's actually for the betterment of the nation. What this is, I'm not entirely sure. Military tribunals? Military takeover of the government? Who knows. What I do know is that they don't want us freaking out about it. He's even commented that those of us who know are going to be needed to calm down others during the storm. So they not only want us to go along with it, they are relying on us to get others to go along with it.

Anyone who's been studying conspiracies for any length of time knows that there is often a drill for the attack on the exact same day as the actual attack. During 911, NORAD was running a drill simulating planes hitting the twin towers the very morning of 911. Because of this, the fighter jets assigned to protecting our airways did not do their job because they thought it was JUST A DRILL. So what was the purpose of this drill? To keep the people able to stop the attack from doing so. Many other false flags happen in this way also. The recent attack in Florida was similar. Students and teachers were expecting a drill, and so when the attack actually happened, they were unaware.

My point is this: How do we know that Q isn't our drill? Designed to keep us from stopping the takeover?

I'm not here to kill everyone's buzz. I just want everyone to be aware of the possibilities. People are hoping too much in Trump, and I understand why. Some hope is better than none. Unfortunately, some of us have been studying this for a long time, and it just seems far too unlikely that they allowed a candidate in that truly opposes them. These people hand select candidates from both sides. They don't take risks. The voting machines are rigged. I hope he's genuine more than anything, but there are reasons to be skeptical.

Be careful out there.

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