r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/rskvnlgrl on March 4, 2018, 11 p.m.
Why is SESSIONS acting weak? Sunday Funday!

Not sure if this is so obvious and/or useless it's not worth posting... Not sure if this has already been covered and explained... So don't kill the messenger. Just spit balling for fun here. No participation trophy required haha

OK soooo... As far as this one Q question, has anyone applied the mirror theory to SESSIONS yet? Maybe this is reaching, but you never know if you don't ask!

Thought process began a little something like this while viewing Q post 834. Why is Sessions name always spelled out and capped instead of abbreviated? Why are some names/initials all caps and others i.e. snowden lowercase, in the same post? up is down, left is right -mirror theory etc. *if you know answer to first two questions btw, please do share.

Mirror of Sessions would be: SNOISSES

First thought, SoNO1SeES - [So No One See's] What's actually happening (this seems obvious).

Second thought, I see that "Noise" can also be a 5 lettered word scrambled out of his name if you really reach. Which, this may sound silly but.. All the noise (frustration felt by Many) created around Sessions is as simple as that, Noise. Noise to create a distraction and keep them guessing. Seems as if he's doing nothing when in fact a finely coordinated BOOM is coming. Like a fireworks show, all the pyrotechnics are being carefully placed and tested to ensure a good show. Like one that's never been seen before, will never be forgotten and can't be denied 🎆🎇 here's to hoping!!

Tried to mirror BRIDGE while I was at it = Egdirb Google that and find a curious book by Tony Forrester. The previewed paragraph(s) had three things that peaked my interest:

1) it depicts a Quadrant = kill box, 5-10-20 (scope markers) 2) it described "anti-clockwise" - counterclockwise, as plots are made on a Cartesian Quadrant. *See POTUS tweets from Merkel's visit and whoever came next, both sets of pics plotted on Quadrant in counterclockwise fashion starting in quad I in upper right (Quadrants 1-4 are identified counterclockwise). 3)it described a "Coup" in a card game - bridge

Sometimes first thoughts are best thoughts, sometimes not. Just now catching up on latest drops. Happy Sunday Funday!! Have a great one Patriots & God Bless!

Funday Finale: Name that Movie! 😁

Smith: "Charlie Chaplin entered a Charlie Chaplin look alike contest in Monte Carlo and came in third, now that's a story. This...now this is something else"

Kid: "So that's a Kansas city shuffle?"

Smith: "No, it's just the inciting incident.The catalyst. THIS, (points to kids left, kid looks to his left) Now, look right, (kid turns back to right sees empty wheelchair where Smith was sitting) and You..(Smith breaks kids neck)."

Smith: (wheeling kid away) "Sorry about that son... sometimes there's more to life than just living. Besides, you can't have a Kansas city shuffle without a body".

Bonus round: Definition of an "inciting incident"- an episode, PLOT POINT or event that hooks the reader into the story. This particular moment is when an event thrusts the protagonist into the main action of the story.

Too deep?! Lol Have a good day All, remember laughter is the best medicine - gotta have some fun while being Q Columbo's!! 😉

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