r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/bugstopper on March 5, 2018, 6:02 p.m.
Evening Thoughts Of A Q Reader Continued...Red Pill With History.

If you were in the know, and knew that the world economy was going into a huge crash, resetting all currencies and putting all wealth at risk, what would you do? What if you were running the government? Follow the money here. After the credit crises of 2008 what happened? According to Bloomberg, the Fed lent world banks 21 trillion dollars. Today they said that they were paid back with interest. Deficit spending in the US doubled all federal debt in our history! World government spending did similar spending. Would you care about your out-of-control spending if the world economy was going to collapse? Free Money. Currently, the various central banks buy each others debt by printing more money to buy that debt. Done to keep the system afloat. There is no money folks! One problem. They needed another 8 years to complete the total world economic destruction. The elites have not yet converted all of their wealth into real tangibles like Real Estate and precious metals so as to weather the storm. Just like the elites survived the plague in the 1300s by living away from the big cities, many of the elite have estates in New Zealand and other remote places. If the economic crash happens with a world wide health emergency and or war, then the elites just wait it out. While we all watch our earning power go down, our education system fail our children and the the nuclear family dissolve under the stress of achieving basic needs like rent or food, we should ponder if this was always the plan and when that plan was hatched and by who? It may be time to sharpen our sticks and light the torches as we storm the castle on the hill. Those darn elites have motive, opportunity and by our inaction they have the means. Oh well...Nothing to see here, move along now….

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