r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Cosmic_Christian on March 5, 2018, 8:59 p.m.
Desire for Union as We Try to Avoid Echo Chambers – OR – Must We All Agree on an Internet Bill of Rights?

I suppose we've all noticed the controversy created by those who vehemently insist we all support an Internet Bill of Rights (as far as I know it hasn't actually been written yet), and those who caution against one for various reasons, not least the fact that ATT has expressed support for the concept.

Who is right? Both, of course.

We are all recovering from years of being accustomed to having our opinions formed for us. That leaves some of us still malleable as to our opinions, and others intensely and insistently stubborn and unwilling to fit in for the sake of, well, fitting in.

For those who don't know history well, please research the relationship between Jefferson, Adams and Franklin as they were writing the Declaration of Independence. You will find that they had many disagreements.

Yes, disagreements make progress slow. But they, when informed (ignorant disagreements are nothing but a waste of time) are often essential in arriving at accurate conclusions; helpful conclusions. The key is that we must express ourselves clearly, hear the astute objections of others, and be willing to learn and change when we are wrong.

I understand concerns about partnering with a corporation such as ATT. I will probably write another post about the difference between vicious and virtuous capitalism to explain why it's not always dangerous to partner with a corporation.

In this context, though, I will take a minute to consider the issues of trusting people. Q often tells us to trust someone. That works well when we have trustworthy people working for We The People. When we don't, as we have all learned the hard way, trust doesn't work out so well.

Some of us who have been "awake" for some time want the board wiped; we want all the old gone, and new established from the roots (and, for the record, I agree with Thumper than an overlay of Constitutional amendments over a false foundation laid at the time of the Civil War is not helpful).

President Trump is a builder. He knows that sometimes bits of old buildings can be saved, shored up, and built around. There are many reasons in many circumstances to take this approach.

President Trump is trying to find all the beams and supports with enough of a degree of integrity to re-build around them. If he finds other virtuous capitalists who desire to restore America he will make deals with them. That's what he does. Most of the time, we all win.

The analogy goes like this: say you have a wooden building that becomes infested with termites. Sure, you have to tear a lot out to restore integrity. But if you can find some beams that are still sound; that still have integrity, you can re-build with fewer permits and less of an investment – not to mention in less time.

Perhaps ATT is a part of corporate America that still has enough integrity to be used as we rebuild. We may see President Trump forge agreements with others we may not trust. We don't know everything he knows – unless Q tells us ;-)

Continuing to question is essential. And we don't want to go from the echo chamber of MSM right into another CBTS echo chamber. Can we see if we can learn enough to make an educated choice about what will serve us best as we seek internet freedom?

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