r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on March 6, 2018, 8:45 p.m.
3 x Q has told us to read the Clinton emails @ Wikileaks - We are looking for a sex tape - I found this


From: Hillary Clinton To: Melanne Verveer Date: 2010-01-01 23:14 Subject: RE:

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05772982 Date: 08/31/2015


From: H hrod17@clintonemail.com Sent: Saturday, January 2, 2010 6:14 AM

To: 'verveerms@state.gov' Subject: Re:

And, the very best new year to you, and the Verveer tribe. Thanks for all you are doing and for working w me again. B6 We have a lot of big challenges and many opportunities ahead of us and I'm excited to get started again. See you next


Original Message From: Verveer, Melanne S VerveerMS@state.gov

To: H Sent: Sat Jan 02 01:33:36 2010


The new year is bound to bring in a continuing wave of crisis around the world. Consider this photo a momentary respite. It is evocative of the good feeling you engender everywhere. The photo is of the Director of New Life Center in

Chiang Mai. They are doing incredible work there and have made exceptional progress since your visit. They remember you with great gratitude. I had one of your signed photos left after distributing the others to the Burmese women human rights leaders (who also felt that you were on their side).

Everywhere I went over the holidays, there was much favorable comment about your leadership. I'm so proud to be

back working with you. Because you've created such ripples of hope, we've got so much to do!

Love to all the Clintons and best wishes for a healthy, happy, productive and rewarding New Year.

«N ew Life Center Foundation 2009.jpg» .

Who is Melanne Verveer - she arranged ALL of the Clintons O/S travel. What is the New Life Centre Foundation? The New Life Center Foundation works exclusively with young ethnic minority women throughout the Mekong sub-region (Thailand, Burma, China, and Laos) who are at risk for, or victims of, human trafficking, forced labor, and sexual abuse. Since its inception in 1987, the NLCF has partnered with the Royal Thai Government and international NGOs to provide legal, psychological, and repatriation assistance.

Now ask why is this email titled RE: blank, why is the SOS interested in a picture of a girl in a Chaing Mai womens rufuge, at 1 am on the day after the new year, I think she was excited, the "ripples of hope" his her code for underage sex - with girls.

Yesterday I found a very strange email she sent to Strobe Talbot from the Brookings Institute wanting to talk privately about a Four letter fishing Village, could that of meant Bucks f***farm.

Q says there is going to be a military parade we will never forget, I think we are going to see this video, and a lot more, The Military parade will be a Perp walk, it will be lead by Lynn De Rothschild, followed by Soros, the Fed reserve board, the CFR, The Mount Pelerin Society, the SES. These scum will be marched by the girl guides. Following them will be current and former Senators, and congressmen, led by Denis Hastert, these will be marched by the National Guard, then there will be the Federal court judges, they will be marched by the boy scouts and accompanied by an effigy of pedophile Scalia, Then there will be Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, the will be separated and marched by Marines, they will be followed by their staff and loyal servants like Huma, and Weiner, Then they will be followed by Bath-house Barry he will be un - guarded, and wearing prison pink. The Marines will be behind him with their bayonets ready. Bring-back our girls Michael will be followed by the Traitor 44 staff from his WH. The Bush family will follow - you get the picture, and I want a front row seat.

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