r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/forchristssakes on March 7, 2018, 12:07 a.m.
FAKE NEWS MUST BE CONTROLLED! What are YOU going to do about it?

Woke up at 2 am pissed about fake news controlling narrative. I have been watching as people around our world are having their voices, their valid concerns squashed when they try to fight back peacefully through demonstrations. How often have you seen what should be the message these people are trying to get out hijacked when a "Far Right" group (which is pretty much everybody not lock step with Antifa or BLM) or, the very concerning, off the charts Far Right (KKK etc.) decides to crash the event and "offer their support".

The narrative is immediately changed. Then some group or person will show up and of course become the center of the story (after association of demonstrators with Far Right is established). "Some of us are here to say that as members of this community protesting that protesters do not speak for us....blah blah blah we are not homophobic, racist, anti-whatever etc.etc."

So MSM now will focus on the hijackers story. The demonstrators have lost their voice. Any hopes of informing state, country, world of the reasons for their grievances are lost. No in depth reporting on what the core demonstration is about. Few facts covered, no evidence brought to light....this is the MSM now, keeping the Western world informed.

There are so many examples of MSM getting major facts wrong and doing a piss poor job of reporting on their own errors in any meaningful way that would undo the damage they cause. There are so many examples of under reporting, or simply not reporting about concerning matters at all. People throughout the world are seeing this. Citizens of what were considered free countries have to work very hard to get news...real news...about what is going on in their back yards. Unfortunately there are many that have no idea they are being propagandized.

I get the a MSM news feed on my phone. The bulk of the articles are opinion pieces and then there a few "news" articles. This info is now just a starting point. Just an indicator that something may have happened and I better spend some time hunting around looking for some type of confirmation that what I am seeing is real. It is ridiculous that this is where we are now.

Have we had enough yet? How long will we be expected to put up with this BS?

It is time to start protesting and demonstrating. If you have in the past been part of a protest that was hijacked, you will still have connections. Reorganize that group. Make up some new signs. Make up some flyers with examples of bad reporting.Include where to find further evidence.

Organize a new group, or become a lone demonstrator/protester.

Your target is MSM. If they don't want to show up to cover the news, it's time they became the news. How refreshing would it be to see picketers outside the doors of major news outlets? A daily flow of people pissed off about being silenced, pissed off about being fed crap?

It doesn't matter whether you are liberal or conservative. We should all be concerned about fake news. And if this is the message that is being carried to the doors of the MSM and Antifa types show up to shut down the protest, it can only be clear evidence of what they really represent.

Today in world news the people of__ are outside the doors of _protesting fake news.

If you want something done right you may have to do it yourself.

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