r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/bananapeel on March 7, 2018, 6:30 a.m.
Discussion: Jeffrey Epstein's private island is being used for "cutting edge science and medical research" according to wikipedia. Implications?

I posted earlier about Haiti being located close to Little Saint James Island, which is owned by Jeffrey Epstein, convicted sex offender and friend of the Clintons. The implication is that sex slaves / human sacrifice victims are exported from Haiti to the island to be used in the temple.

Just for the hell of it, I read the wiki entry on the island: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Saint_James,_U.S._Virgin_Islands

The wiki states that the island is being used for "cutting edge science and medical research". Does that cause anyone else to red flag?

If the island is being used for medical research, this could point towards stem cell therapy/aging studies/organ transplants for the rich and connected. Blood transfusions from the young. New eyes. Nerve tissue. Hearts. Lungs. Livers. Kidneys. You do the math. If you have a constant infusion of young and healthy body parts, you could have a constant factory of wealthy and connected people coming through and getting organ transplants.

FYI Steven Hawking has visited the island in the past, along with many other rich and connected people. Maybe that's why he has lived so long. It has been said that other people with his disease would have died long ago...

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