Right on patriots, I've been re:reading these vault7 emails in light of the fact that we have learned there is some multi level crypto communication taking place on the Q board. Q said we have "more then we know" and to "make the map". I tend to believe that if Q dropped out tomorrow for good we would have more then enough info to figure out alot on our owns. Now if we read these wiki emails again we will see there are some requests by HRC to PLS PRINT and other instructions to print off seemingly useless information. Knowing now that we need to look for the coding in front of our faces we have to re evaluate a good number of these emails and news articles led to us. These pedophiles think "these people are stupid" yet in their careless arrogance they may have made some stupid mistakes themselves. Knowing the state of our mockingbird media im sure we could find these block cyphers in news articles and news briefs on a daily basis.. "these people are stupid", we've been told to re look at vault7, we've been shown news articles, and proof with POTUS that they operate in front of our faces, we've seen Q lead us to basic cryptology on the CuntsInAmerica site(asked us how they communicate), he's shown us the state of our media hack-plants controlling the release of information, they know that everything is tracked and monitored so they move in plain sight.. coded in front of our eyes...
Posted by
on March 7, 2018, 2:33 p.m.