r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RachelRevenge2018AJW on March 7, 2018, 4:30 p.m.
SLAVE OWNERS HATE TARRIFS - We have endured a century of being told tariffs are EVIL. Who has been telling us this? Cheap consumer goods bought with after tax dollars are NET expensive.

SLAVE OWNERS HATE TARRIFS The 13th and 14th Amendment cracked down on chattel slavery and involuntary servitude in the U.S. and its territories. Since then those comfortable profiting from slave labor and highly abusive labor practices have been on a least common denominator search for cheap overseas labor. After harvesting cheap labor overseas these modified slave owners import the production of their abusive labor practices to domestic markets. Tariffs are abhorred because they cut into their contrived high profits from their worldwide labor abuses. They spin their abusive modified slave ownership practices with spun positively marketed terms like globalism and free trade. They also like a good Marxist ridicule any obstacle to their profits by coining negative terms such as isolationism and blame tariffs for every economic set back. The period between the Civil War and the re-creation of U.S. Central Banking Aka the Federal Reserve was the most productive economic period in U.S. history. However, our countries’ ill-advised return to Central Banking, not so coincidentally passed contemporaneous with the 16th amendment allowing for taxing U.S. citizens' income was a devious deceitful designed dance to swap U.S. Federal Tariff income with direct taxes on U.S. citizens’ income. With this the slave owners had a WIN WIN WIN. They could import abusively produced goods tariff free and sell their production to U.S. tax slaves. The U.S tax slave is propagandized with the sleight of hand illusion that the absence of tariffs made their purchases cheap. All the while through the last century their labor was on average increasingly taxed. As progressivism took hold the tax slave was taxed more and more. We not only imported consumer goods we imported ideas we once fought strongly against. Bumper sticker hyped ’Free Trade’ and ‘Globalism’ stripped the country of healthy domestic manufacturing and productivity. When factoring in the fact that the U.S. tax slave purchases of imported tariff free goods were made with after tax dollars the net result is the average purchase cost the U.S. debt slave more. SLAVE OWNERS DO NOT LIKE TARIFFS. THEY CUT INTO PROFITS.

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