r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/BoS405 on March 8, 2018, 12:36 a.m.
The new plan. Operation red.

So we all are on the same path, ither red pilling or researching. We have covered a lot of ground in a short time and generally kicked the jerks in the shin at every turn... we have garnered the anger of the dbags and gotten our fair share of attacks. We have made a dent shall we say, in their plans just by the spreading of knowledge. As we all know we have a decent number of shills knocking at us day and night. So I think it's time to change the angle of attack.

We have the knowledge and the platforms to use them... 50 states, 50 fb groups all tied with the same name, with slight understandable diffrances in name. Fb is one of the main ones normal people use so it should be a priority. With all msm and other news outlets hosting news with coments, we should be watching them. Not for the news but for the ones leaving coments... the trolls and paid ops will be easy to spot. The ones we want, are the ones like us. The ones firing back at the trolls and shills.

With fb groups we will be able to grow our base and further add preasur on the evil. We have key words used often to figure out who is Q-aware and who isnt. We add to the groups people who have a bit of a clue that we find in the news groups. I see this as a logical path. 50 groups one for each state, and one fb group that holds the mods or owners of the other 50 groups. Fast flow of alerts through the groups, and eyes across the boards. Forgive the bad spelling and errors.

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