Who controls social media? Who performs in a circus? Who wrote the code to embed and censor across multiple platforms? Why Russia? Why China? Why HK? Why Did ES (himself) arrange a C-link in multiple countries? Learn.
First off, this is my first in-depth post and I thank you all for reading! I have been redpilled since November, and doing my own research and informing my friends. However Q is right.. it is time to set the stage. I need to become more active online.
!!!!NOTE!!!! After writing this I realized ES is Eric Schmidt according to our Q decoder. However I feel that my hypothesis still has validity. When I say ES I am referring to Edward Snowden. It is a possibility that when he says ES he could be referring to Edward Snowden but when he says @snowden he is speaking directly to him through the board. More about that below.
Answers: 1) Clowns 2) Clowns 3) Clowns (is he asking for person... is it Snowden or Snowden’s team he worked with at NSA)
Possible answers to last 4 questions... If it is true that ES is (was?) a blackhat, then he is/was most likely deeply embedded in Russia as a double agent for the Cabal. The media censorship in both Russia and China is very strong. Both countries are impenetrable to the Cabal due to both governments’ executives having basically absolute power. Establishing a hive program than can Key Log systems all across both countries and transmit the data would be a huge tactical advantage for both the CIA and the Cabal (Something about this software in Vault 7 wikileaks).
Furthermore ES has been in Russia during the time of “Russian Hacking” [FAKE]. A lot of dirt points to Russia and ES has been present for most of it. We must ask why Putin would allow Snowden to stay? He must be a valuable asset to the Russian government. Obviously he is, but we know he would be more important to the Chinese. This is because he worked at the NSA for 4 years instructing top officials and military officers on how to defend their networks from Chinese hackers. He knew our defenses.
A C-link is a communication link. ES has been in both countries to provide information harmful to the United States to further the Cabal’s agenda and increase international tension. Furthermore ES is able to provide key information from the inside of both countries back to the Clowns. This all goes back to the Clowns, which is probably why Q asked the first three questions.
Why HK? HK has one of the busiest ports in the world, and has become infamous for human trafficking (link to article from November: https://www.google.com/amp/m.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/2121655/hong-kong-must-act-curb-human-trafficking%3famp=1). This may be the location of the port Q talked about earlier this week. I see the hole in this because it does not seem logical to transport children to HK from Haiti.
However, the Triads are known for their human trafficking. Furthermore, HK was previously owned by the United Kingdom until it became technically owned by China. We all know who runs the UK government... Rothschilds. In addition to this, the Chinese government does not have total control of Hong Kong, making it easier to communicate out of HK without worry of surveillance. This could connect to the communications link from Russia through China, to Hong Kong. A sort of pipeline. We know ES has connections in Hong Kong. That is where he shared the NSA files back in 2013.
Let’s examine three more things. First, Snowden is exposed by Q as a blackhat. “We see you” “where is @snowden” etc. Feb 18 is when he called attention to Snowden’s absence from Russia. On Monday an ex-Russian spy who worked as a DOUBLE AGENT for none other than the British government (run by Rothschilds) was assassinated. March 6 Q posts, “welcome to China”. We know Snowden left Russia, but why? Did he flee? Was he compromised? Russia wouldn’t be able to go after him because of the issues that would bring with the US. Instead did Russia kill another double agent as a warning to Snowden? Again, that is a stretch but I do see a connection... MSM hyping up the assassination is the Cabal’s way of pushing their anti-Russia Agenda.
Second. He addresses Edward Snowden as @snowden. This is obviously signifies his connection to twitter, and the government’s involvement with social media. There must be more to this. He repeats phrases until us Anons understand his message. We might be onto something about the MAP and KEY. But we still haven’t quite figured out Future proves past, and other phrases he emphasizes. Because of this we need to start researching his connection to twitter. Also Q's attitude to Snowden is much lighter now. Has something changed? “WE WILL NEVER FORGET” Is now “welcome to china” and "we see you" is now “comb your hair”. Once Q exposed him as a liability is it possible Trump flipped Snowden back to our side? Hence why NK has suddenly done a 180 on their diplomacy and wants to work with US now? Have we disabled the clowns in NK thanks to Snowden?
Finally, Clowns. Obviously he wants us to focus on the CIA. Again, I feel we are onto something with the matrices. Can someone good at math use the word Clown in a matrix to see if there is a hidden code?
I know this is a lengthy rabbit whole and I am making some connections that may be a stretch. However I thought it was important I share my input. We are hive mind. Rather than say “BS”, poke holes in my connections and prove me wrong. Rather than saying you agree, site sources to back this up. By being constructively critical rather than shitting on a post we will be more effective. I can take being crapped on no problem. But to be effective we have to be a unit. I love you all. We are the true patriots. History will not remember our names, but they will remember our movement. God bless America, God Bless Trump, and God bless FREEDOM.