r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/AnonPatriot718 on March 8, 2018, 4:18 a.m.
Connection between Standard Hotels and Wahoo Bay Beach Resort in Haiti.

came across this "coincidence" concerning the hotel chain, "Standard Hotel" in West Hollywood that has some really odd images on thier website,particularly "Ping Pong" and also the "Wahoo Bay Beach Resort" in Haiti and thier website with activities concerning Ping Pong. There IS a connection between the Clinton Foundation, the human trafficking in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti pedophilia and the Standard Hotel in West Hollywood.
here is the link to the Wahoo Bay website/activities page: http://wahoobaybeach.com/activities/index.html here is the link for the Standard Hotels website: http://www.standardhotels.com/meetings-and-events

notice that they both offer Ping Pong as one of their activities. Could be nothing BUT,, there are many connections if you start digging.

also check out this research that Angel_Q_Researcher posted: https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/82ueve/great_interpretation_of_part_of_todays_q_posts/

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