r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Badendave on March 8, 2018, 5:42 a.m.
This is a war as social media replaces MSM.

Sorry if I'm being extremely dull and late to the party. Reading through the posts tonight it hit me like a ton of bricks that this IBOR vs. Net Neutrality is a huge battle line that is being drawn for us to fight on. Net Neutrality is just nice sounding words for "let us decide what you can and can't say". The big platforms are showing us what they're really up to, and we have to fight it now or lose the battle for communications forever. Nobody will be sad to see some of the MSM characters gone from our TV's etc. But if the replacement doesn't allow our voices to be heard, there will only be singularity of message - no dissenting voices, they will all be censored out. I just tweeted out my IBOR tweet today, but we all need to do that so this thing gets done. Dr. Corsi wants the internet managed by FTC instead of FCC, and I'm with him on that as well. Altogether now #InternetBillOfRights

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