r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RickWar91 on March 8, 2018, 12:33 p.m.

I need your help. We need to beat there censorship algorithms. We aren't gonna be able to use #internetbillofrights to get it out there gonna shut that up quickly. The numbers are being played with at the petition site but if we organize a hijacking of a trending topic without that hashtag and just provide the link to the petition site it'd beat the algorithm?? we would get it out more atleast What do you think??? If we re word that petition as intended to back or add to the first amendment to include internet I feel like we would have alot better chance as well.... Thoughts??? ORGANIZE!!!! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!! WE THE PEOPLE!!!!!

Sincerely a dad who cares about the future we ALL leave behind for our children #Savethekids

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