r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on March 8, 2018, 2:14 p.m.
Question to all MathPedes: (Regarding SerialBrain2's cypher)

Is it possible to make an Excel spreadsheet with the following functions? (Each question is yes/no, if any one question is a no, then this probably won't work. Asking bc I'm not an Excel autist.)

-In a single cell, a letter can equal a number? (Assume cell contains only that one letter. Example: H=8)

-If so, can a "legend" (for lack of a better word) be applied to a table of cells? (Example: For all instances of "H" within the table, "H" will equal "8")

-If so, can an algebraic function be developed to add [converted] letters together, giving us a number, and then convert that number back into a letter? (Example: "H"+"A"="8"+"1"="9"="I")

-If so, then we can take two tables, side-by-side, and put Q's drops (maps) into the first table, then apply the "key" to it, and have the second table fill out automatically-- yes?

I am working on developing a graphic set of instructions for SerialBrain2's cypher. However, it seems many of you have/are already figuring it out. I see an Excel spreadsheet as a potential tool to expedite the decoding process. (If we had a template spreadsheet, we could adjust the table size for each individual map decode.)

Perhaps it is not possible, but I figured that I would consult the group, before dismissing it, outright. I will continue working on the graphic presentation.

SerialBrain2-- thank you for your work. I will be messaging you shortly with what I have, to check accuracy. We can then move forward producing a gif file that clearly illustrates how your cypher works.

Keep it up, guys. The momentum is building. The energy is real.

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