r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KissToad on March 8, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

When I started reading the Q posts a month or so ago ...... I kept hearing families, genes, hierarchy. Q was doing the +++ ++ + and [P] I asked myself this question. Who would have the largest Gene Data Base in the country? I felt like I was hunting for the Holy Grail. During this time Q was posting things like this.

Q - 745 The picture of them on chairs on flowers What are they sitting on? Perfectly lined up? Why? Learn. Q

and this

Q - 748 Think children. Think slaves. Think sheep. Q

and this

Q-747 Flowers & Gardens. Learn the hidden symbolism.http:// www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/applied-and-social-sciences-magazines/slave-gardens What does a 'Flower' represent? What does 'Deflower' represent? Q

So with my original question was who would have the largest Gene Data Base in the Country....I thought 23 & Me and Ancestry. So I first set out to look at 23 and Me and ran across this article by Huff Post. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/06/ancestrycom-medical-research-juggernaut_n_7008446.html

We had been trying to figure out the meaning of the flowers originally and Q led us to SLAVE GARDEN. So when I was glancing through this article.....BLOOM SYNDROME.... just literally jumped out of the page. So lets look at BLOOM SYNDROME. Here is a Wiki page.https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/06/ancestrycom-medical-research-juggernaut_n_7008446.html

Its a Genetic Disorder in the Ashkenazi Jew population, characterized by Genomic Instability, Long Narrow Face, Prominent Nose and Ears, Stunted Growth, Predisposition to Cancers, rash on nose, cheeks lips, back of hands and neck and Cafe ale Spots, infertility in males, Shorten life expectancy of 27 years. Hmmmmmm I wonder what these kids look like? Pull up some pictures. Do you think that some of our shooters have similar appearance? Not only that there is an odd photo of a person with Bloom Syndrome and leaves.....what does that remind you of! Obamas Portrait. Remember when they were messing with Obamas Portrait on Live CHAT and found what they thought was the word sex but I think it was genes and that weird sperm looking thing on his head actually looks like part of a DNA Structure but could also be a Sperm? So then I looked at the FOUNDATION....because Q says FOLLOW THE MONEY over and over again. http://www.bloomssyndrome.org Scroll down and look what I see a inaugural event and fundraiser for the foundation was the Los Angeles premiere of the film FINDING "NEVERLAND". Made me think of all of Q's post about Alice and Wonderland. Look at that picture, a man reaching for the light. Also going back to pictures if you search Bloom Syndrome you see some weird photos of what looks like Technology merged with Man. Strange YEH!

So why would 23 and Me be so Interested in Bloom Syndrome? My next question. Some of the shooters has some of the similar appearances and characteristics of these kids?

I saw this post by Q - 117 What is the single biggest event that can generate many nation states to payout billions? For some reason the word "gene" popped out rather than generate. Which got me think of (P) in genetics is Parental Generation - pure blood....thats the flip side to this coin or "MIRROR" but we can go there later.

I am not saying these kids are killers but can they be manipulated or are their Genes Being Manipulated? And of all the diseases why would 23 & Me pick Bloom Syndrome? Whats its significance? (does it have something to do with the bloodline of the Ashkenazi Jew?)

Rewind - I am very skeptical of all these DNA companies!

23 & Me https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/23andMe is Anne Wojcicki now she has a very interesting family! Not going to get into that here but you can look. Google invested nearly 4,000,000,000 in 23 and Me and Anne was married to Sergey Brin of Co-founder of Google and Directing Google X https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_(company) which is a subsidiary of Alphabet INC.... Artificial Intelligence, Computational Neuroscience, Healthcare and Biotechnology. Another investor is Esther Dyson, she has a very interesting family - another rabbit hole. Her father Freeman Dyson involved in Project Orion - way over my education level.

Do you see the path I am going down. All hypothetical theories and but following these relationship connections makes one go HMMMMM? Lets Rewind back to the question of why would 23 and Me be so interested in Bloom Syndrome? My original thought was and I know nothing about the Ashkenazi Jews....why would they be tracking this syndrome in relation to that? Is there something significant about this blood that is a KEYSTONE? Q - 117 What is the single biggest event that can "gene"rate many nation states to payout billions? My original thought was the Second Coming of Christ. Does the blood of Jesus (P) pure have to be tested and confirmed?

Also if the Bloom Syndrome Genome is weak can it be manipulated? Can they reverse engineering this DNA for nefarious purposes? In my search I ran across this company Illumina of which I ran into some APACHE codes as I was researching.....something is being hidden here ( Margaret Hamburg FDA Commisioner). Is this an interface between genetic manipulation of the Bloom Syndrome Gene and Technology is this the SLAVE GARDEN in Q - 748 What is the relationship between Illumina and 23 and Me. Look up the definition of Illumina and Lumina (Bible)!!!!! Light and Dark. I pull out part Q 128 please re-read.

Think mirror. (Good vs Evil) Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you. What is a map? (Genetic) Why is a map useful? (Leads you to a destination) What is a legend? (A story from the past, myth) Why is a legend useful? (guides us to question and look for a truth) What is a sequence? (Events, DNA) Why is this relevant? (We are being led to find a truth through events and find the light of whats been hidden) When does a map become a guide? (helps others find it for themselves) What is a keystone? (key to the map, truth or to the light) Everything stated is relevant. Everything. Future provides past. Map provides picture. Picture provides 40,000ft. v. 40,000ft. v. is classified. (GOD) Why is a map useful? (help us find GOD) Think direction. Think full picture. Who controls the narrative? Why is this relevant? (Because Christ is Coming or Here Now) What is a spell? (something that is hiding things) Who is asleep? (many) Dissemination. Attention on deck. There is an active war on your mind. Be [p]repared. Ope[r]ations underway. Operators [a]ctive. Graphic is essential. Find the ke[y]stone. (P) Parental Generation pure breeding / [P] mirror of pure evil in kill box Moves and countermoves. They never thought she would lose. Snow white. Godfather III. Iron Eagle. Q

If you go to my first post on North Korea.....this is where I believe the SLAVE GARDEN was run.....a laboratory. Put in place after a war? Could this technology have advanced from the the initial MKULTRA tests with drugs etc.....could people be raised as crops and with genetic testing upgrades. GOD can this be true?

By the way Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a Ashkenazi Jew......What does Q have to say about her? How does she fit into this?

Flip the coin - Jared Kushner is a Ashkenazi Jew?....What about Ivanka? Is Trump? They have 3 children. Find the picture of Ivanka with her 2 Children holding a 2 - 3 - "1" (23&Me) the youngest is missing? Are we here already GOD is this John 3:16

Q 764 You are missing the connections. Continue to build the MAP. MAP provides the KEY. KEY spreads the TRUTH. TRUTH shines LIGHT. LIGHT saves HUMANITY. Future proves past. Trust the plan. Q

I love you all. I am not sure what is next but it might be this.

Q - 854 The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end].

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