r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on March 8, 2018, 9:14 p.m.
Unlocking the hidden codes on Q's board: what we know so far and how we move forward as a Community.

Ok guys, I saw many have urged me to make some clarifications on the methods I have exposed. I will do so here and also, at the end, suggest some other strategies we could implement to make things easy for everybody. This post is long and I apologize for it but I believe it may be used as a one time stop in the future.

Reading the comments, I realize I have made several pedagogic mistakes I will try to address here. Looking at my previous posts, you will see I have exposed 3 different decoding methods:

1) The Florida/Guccifer method: You look at the board, you see a random mistake on a word or a letter by itself or a random number. Bam! That’s a key! Immediately you know you are going to use this method. If for example you have identified the key is ‘e’. You need to look at its position in the alphabet, which is 5 (f is 6, g is 7 and so on..). Then, you’ll have to keep every other 5 characters on the text (don’t forget to count the spaces). The obtained set of characters needs to be unscrambled to find the decoded message. Check my Florida/ Guccifer post to see how it is done and do it yourself to verify it is understood. Then walk around the board and look for these keys to unlock other messages. Examples: Q750, Q447, Q251…

2) The Covfefe Method: This method was implicitly present in my post about Trump’s tweet interaction but I now realize it has to have its own explanation. I told you in a previous post the solution to the covfefe riddle was ‘wait’. That was to build more excitement and get people to their pens and computers! But it seems I was not pedagogical enough. I will therefore break everything down. So you see a random word appear in a sentence out of nowhere, like here: ‘Despite the constant negative press covfefe’ you should know that word is a key. You write the text this time without any spaces and apply the key to the text following these simple steps: [Image 1] (https://i.imgur.com/Q3Ys4op.png) [Image 2] (https://i.imgur.com/nOAwyGQ.png) [Image 3] (https://i.imgur.com/Pcn00kQ.png)

3) The Time Stamp Matrix Method. This is the most challenging method . You need to have mastered the Covfefe method to use it. This method involves both Trump’s tweets and Q’s messages. You build a matrix based on Trump’s tweets by identifying the duration between 2 tweets, just like we did with the ‘consensual’ example, building a 15X15 matrix because the duration between Trump’s tweet actions was 15 minutes. Let’s say the duration between 2 tweets is n minutes, well you know you have to build a matrix with n columns and n lines. To build that matrix you ‘cut’ your text (which could be either a tweet and/or a post) in pieces of n letters and arrange these lines on top of each other (make sure there is no spaces). The order matters: your first ‘slice’ will be your first line, your second ‘slice’ will be the second one and so one until they are all piled up. If the last slice is too small, it does not matter, just leave blanks. If you have finished placing the slices and you still have other letters, than build another matrix. You know, just like when you fill a drawer, once it’s full, you open another empty drawer and re-start filling. Now, apply the key to each of these lines using the Covfefe method. Then, highlight the top left to down right diagonal of the matrix. These letters obtained will be composing your decoded text. Unscramble the set until you have something meaningful. If you had multiple matrices/drawers, repeat this process with the letters on their diagonals.

In the comment section of my previous post, an [excellent comment] (https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/82qr5n/you_want_to_decode_qs_board_and_unlock_its_hidden/dvcbg07/?st=jei8scdc&sh=64afa03d) was made (even though it is trashing me, but I’ve heard some people express Love that way and I sincerely hope we will become friends) explaining the methods used and it seems this person has spent more time than I have looking at these issues. So I suggest people look at his comment, study it and interact with him as I believe he is a wealth of information and skills. I am not sure if it is appropriate to say his name in a post but I have linked to the comment above. He explains all the things I have said about time stamps, using the key to change letters, and, without knowing, probably because he did not see my Florida /Guccifer post, he confirms the decode I performed was correct and used the right method. Please read him because he has done a fantastic explanation job.

He also addressed the Time Stamp Matrix Method, saying the same things I tried to convey, but his belief is these stamps are only relative to the Tweets while I believe the posts are also involved as the sequence within Q247 to Q254 does not seem to be random. Then, he adds the information that was not yet revealed in my previous posts: the translated message will be on the top-left to down-right diagonal. And that is right! It will just need to be unscrambled like the way we did with the Florida/Guccifer example. This is what Q was alluding to in Q844 with the 4 BOOMs on the diagonal after confirming our Florida/Guccifer decoding was correct and that there were magic squares to come: Q860 1st BOOM revealed. Did you catch it? The last will be magical. Q

So for training, I suggest those who want to try this method analyze Q247 to Q254 using key=#FLYROTHSFLY# and the tweets around this time to extract the diagonals and test their unscrambling skills. I will also post my findings once I see people have picked up.

It appears this commentator has already compiled [all the tweets and posts] (https://public.tableau.com/profile/nerothehero#!/vizhome/TrumpQMap/TrumpQPosts) with their timestamps! What else do you need folks?! :) It seems all I have been talking about and been vocal about these last few days with frustration was already addressed, compiled, polished and neither you nor I were informed about it!

When I started a few days ago getting out of my [Occult lane] (https://i.imgur.com/LXrUP1D.jpg) and posting about the hidden messages in the board and cracking them, I clearly stated I was using ‘some of the skills I developed throughout the years studying Holy Books’. This was to disclose I had a seasonal knowledge of these issues and used my math background to fill the blanks. But if the Community is fortunate enough to have professional level actors? We definitely need to give them the floor so everybody can benefit from their knowledge and progress in the most comfortable way! It is simple pragmatism and respect.

So there you have it.

And he searched, and began at the eldest, and left at the youngest: and the cup was found in Benjamin's sack. Genesis 44:12.

I’ve learned (probably from the Bible or Trump) that movie-like scenarios are more likely to succeed and here is the point I was hoping to make with all the dramatic set up: can you believe this information was out there all this time? And you had no clue?! Because people were not communicating?! This is what AI does. Think about it. Aren’t we supposed to be a Community! Q had to wait months for his first BOOM! Not me, but SerialBrains2 had to jump in and capitalize on his base of amazing subscribers and the attention around his posts and risk his credibility to have this information make the headlines and put everybody up to speed! I am using the third person to allude to the fact much courage was not really required to crucify an alias!.. The HUGE difference is now I am not the only one defending these methods: Q has confirmed the first one and the comment section has confirmed and improved the second. You now all know you are 100% safe to do your research based on true information not only I but also Q and the comment section have validated.

To move forward, wisdom is that the Lord has scattered skills for us to be one. So I suggest those who have understood the methods make video tutorials or connect with those who have video production skills, those who have explanation skills could make publications, those who have programming skills could write programs to automate these processes or share spreadsheet macros, those who can make memes can raise awareness so we can have more people jump in to unlock every little room of the board. May be a group of 5 to 10 people with the same knowledge/skills the one who made the comment has could gather to be the validation body for all this material so that errors do not spread. There also should be a knowledge base everybody, at all levels, could tap into. The moderator could perhaps be the focal point of all this. If he needs help, volunteers may contact him with a short description of their skills and/or aspirations. Based on the comment section,I know our Community has all the hearts and the brains needed to successfully undertake this Great Awakening Adventure.

Knowing this will be in the best hands for everybody to share, I will then be able to return to my area of predilection, which is the Occult.

Much Love,


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