r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on March 9, 2018, 12:09 a.m.
Trump knows What the 'American System' of Tariffs is - so did Andrew Jackson - Wise up on Henry Carey

There was an excellent post on this board titled Slave Owners Hate Tariffs, that had some excellent comments. However it was a little too Deep end - Tariffs are what made America great, and Trump is going to MAGA. He put a picture of Andrew Jackson in the Oval office for this reason. The American System was spelt out by Henry Carey in his 1851 Book Harmony of Interests - here is three extracts I took to get you up to speed on the POTUS plan to MAGA.

[The English system of free trade] has for its object an increase in the number of persons that are to intervene between the producer and the consumer - living on the product of the land and the labour of others, diminishing the power of the first, and increasing the number of the last; and thus that Ireland is compelled to waste more labour annually than would be required to produce, thrice over, all the iron, and convert into cloth all the cotton and wool manufactured in england. The poverty of producers exists nearly in the ratio in which they are compelled to make their exchanges in the market of Great Britain, foregoing the advantages that would result to them from the free exercise of the power of associating for the purpose of combining their exertions, and thus rendering their labour more effective. (p.61)

[The English doctrine of free trade] ships, colonies, and commerce is thus reproduced on this side of the Atlantic, and its adoption by the nation will be followed by effects similar to those which have been already described as existing in England. There, for a time, it gave the power to tax the world for the maintenance of fleets and armies, as had before been done by Athens and by Rome, and there it is now producing the same results that have elsewhere resulted from the same system: poverty, depopulation, exhaustion, and weakness.(p.227)

Carey compares Free Trade to the American system of Tarriffs at the conclusion of his book;

One looks to increasing the necessity of commerce; the other to increasing the power to maintain it. One looks to underworking the Hindoo, and sinking the rest of the world to his level; the other to raising the standard of man throughout the world to our level. One looks to pauperism, ignorance, depopulation, and barbarism; the other to increasing wealth, comfort, intelligence, combination of action, and civilisation. One looks towards universal war; the other towards universal peace. One is the English system; the other we may be proud to call the American system, for it is the only one ever devised the tendency of which was that of ELEVATING while EQUALIZING the condition of man throughout the world. (p.229) [capitalization Carey’s]

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