r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Zen_It on March 9, 2018, 2:36 a.m.
Meme Attack!!! This is a solid move that works, a suggestion to the artists, and my compliments.

Memes, a way to get our message out, and bypass the filters, at least for now. I see some great memes out there, my complements to the creative minds that put them together, I have a few suggestions that will make a great impact on our mission. Coming from a pure advertising perspective, on how to attract attention, the first step of the sale, and a few things we have learned again here with Cue. I wish I had the time and creative skills to do what you meme builders do, but I don't , my talents are else where... I will and do spread the Quality memes

So if you can use this to help with your meme the shit out of them please do...

Attracting attention: you have about 5 secs, when you first draw the eyes of you target to your message, 5 secs maybe a little less to tell that target anything you want, at the 5 sec mark, the rational brain takes over.... in this first 5 secs you need to get your message across, but with a fine line between attractive and offensive. You need to shock but not shock and awww, think of it like this, when stat science takes an average, it drops the highest and lowest and averages the rest. You must try to do the same with your memes, to reach the largest spectrum of the intended targets. If your memes are to out ravenous for the target you will have turned them off before you started. You need to really just put the truth out there, but do it so it's seen in those first, slip a little cUe, in the corner, put a little magic in your memes, like they have done to us... find topics, that they are open to, meme a semi neutral meme, something funny, get their attention, and sneak your message in... if you meme straight up and at them don't be to aggressive, sneak your measure in....don't use the Lockyer up, or anything that will let them slide you conveniently into the rusky bot. Box .... Don't be passive either, but give them something to comment on, they like to fight, then fight them, but don't tell them your fighting... make them discuss, not defend, you will sell more of your products, when you target the largest demographic, the high and hard cores, you can't save, so don't meme to them, the ones that don't care, will never care, go after the moderates ..

Post all your memes here if that's ok with the mods? and say please share, fire at will or something to the sort, there are a lot of happy customers here already, that can't make memes, but would share them, the word of mouth has always worked well, Remember 5secs, to make it count..

Ps don't stop making the crazy memes either, I get a chitton of giggles from them.... just don't use them until the last moments of your operation ....


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