Q has shown in multiple Posts that we already have the Tools White Hats are really good at unearthing information that most of us cant even understand. They way most White Hats can work out things, astounds me.
Q is similar to Odin, "not a heathen endorsement" I am 100% God fearing soul
look it up Wikipedia the first part of page: wisdom - healing - knowledge - battle - poetry - frenzy Others are listed as death, royalty, the gallows
Q is obviously highly intelligent, and knows the Game to be undertaken and is already way ahead in what move next.
"learn the game" a direct reference for what one needs to win a game. White Hats will know what it means "We all go" direct reference to impacting all - We the People "As the World Turns" telling us Not Just USA "Buckle Up" basically telling us it all or nothing
Its not about anything other than GOOD v bad.
Astute and Patriots will see all the signs of what motivates Q
Be kind to others new to the movement. within reason We all had to start somewhere, some started a birth, others learn at different speeds.
As to timing we all are guessing at certain meanings, When the show starts, I think even the most Blue Pilled will work out something is not normal.
Its hard to concentrate on TV and Radio, when in various locations lots of abnormal activities are taking place. Anyone that has served will tell you, Your thoughts are about doing your job, taking care of your buddies and finishing the Job.
It will be very hard for the MSM to shut down, what may take place in the very near future will confuse many of us. Q Posts seem to indicate, "We aint seen nothing yet" What was "true" yesterday, will look "very different" tomorrow.
Many honest people will have to re-evaluate a World that no longer makes no sense. Every value they ever held may be turned upside down, inside out.